
First of all I have no idea what show 'Moonlight City' is (I know a song named Moonlight Shadow tho). Second you just said Comedy Central themselves could have censored it since that do that pre 1AM.

That part was epic, lol!

On this shows Facebook page they said they moved this show to 1AM due to it's content tonight and next week, and given it's content tonight was pretty damn over the top (very sexualized, which we know the prude as hell FCC in this country is scared most of), it COULD be true. That said tonight's episode was was

Yeah, but I think part of the reason he did that was because he was trying to bond and become friends with Todd again.

Aww man, that would be such a downer if he made it back to Earth just to die. :(

That would be really stretching it. :/

Interesting thought!

I am hoping the same.

Yeah it's probably a scheduleing conflict. I just wish they wish they would touch base with him a bit more. Once every like 3 episodes at least.

Both great points. Hopefully next episode they have power since that would only make sense now.

Seriously what the hell right? I mean learn to grow some crops for god sakes!

I totally thought they were going to go that route and I would have hated if Real Phil got all the blame for something that was not his fault.

I seriously wanted him to say "So I pulled a gun on him — you guys know LIKE I AND THE OTHER PHIL do from time to time".

I could not agree more, not to mention he almost blew Real Phil's head off last week witha loaded gun and while Real Phil held a gun on them it was at least unloaded. Hell he should be happy Real Phil did not tell Carol about that (I would say "the others" but those other jerks probably would have not believed him).

Good points, lol.

That was my last point though, do they even know what the endgame is? I would just like at least a little nudge in that story so that we know it is moving forward in some way. Either with him going more crazy or him trying to think of a plan. I mean without a payoff or a furthering of the story why is this storyline

I am really happy that this show is showing bald phil to be the ahole snake in the grass he has always been. The only reason he did anything was either to impress the others or to try and get with carol.

Don't even get me started on this, it's really annoying they are not using this plot point at least a little more.

They should have made him get drunk before that decision or something, would have made it more believable.

As somebody that lives in Miami I am pretty surprised that anybody could confuse it with Malibu… I mean how the hell did that happen?