
@pobregizmo: Alright, fine, you win. Kmart it is. They've had amazing credits available for alot of releases recently.

@Luke Plunkett: Sports Champions on Move also tells you to be 8 feet away, but it works just fine at 6 feet and in fact you have to be closer during table tennis for some shots. Hopefully this will be the same and no pissing will be required.

@tvandlust: I have exactly 8 feet of space to play Sports Champion, but if you're playing table tennis you have to move much closer for those close to the net shots, which Move recognizes flawlessly. I'm assuming Kinect will work ok closer than 8 feet as well.

I have 8 feet of space, but after playing Sports Champion on Move, I can already tell you that it's becoming a nuisance having to move my coffee table every time to play table tennis. But I do it because it is so much fun, for now. Between the PS Eye and the Kinect Sensor bar, I'm going to need a better place to put

I don't mind a company offering this service, but not the way Best Buy is doing it. They are duping consumers into this. I will no longer purchase games there. I will drive an additional block and purchase games from Walmart, which is the lesser of the two evils

I can't believe someone thought this was a good idea. And then managed to convince a bunch of suits that this was a good idea. I'm going to guess that this idea was conceived and built by non gamers

@Scaramanga: PS3's don't have HDMI 1.4 either. The whole thing is a little confusing.

I saw an email with the person's office number, cell number, and pager number. Didn't think anyone had pagers anymore.

@Kiaza: Yes, but which one gets the axe first?

I'll bet the PSP Go outsells this thing 10:1

@Mokona: either that, or a smaller eye cam, a new Rock Band guitar, a Kinect compatible fishing pole. It could be anything and my guess is that it'll just be "meh"

The only unannounced hardware that we have solid evidence of existing is the PSP2.

Waaaaay to expensive for some skins and equipment that doesn't make you play better.

What's sad is the number of people who Google for Nazi Zombie Cheats.

It's going to be hard for me to resist this game, being from chicago and a huge fan of the Jordan era Bulls. I just didn't care for the demo that much. I'm not sure I can avoid purchasing this

Farewell baseball season. You weren't to kind to my Cubs, again. Congrats to everyone whose teams move on to the postseason.

I wish this was released as a demo on the PSN before January, but maybe there will be an open beta instead. Either way, I can not wait for this.

@thepenguin55: Blame Canada? I don't know. Seems extremely odd. There is more to the story that isn't being shared.

I can't wait to see my Bears play on Sunday night. It was easily conceivable that they would be 0-4 after this week before the season started but instead will be shooting for 4-0

@TERROR-HORROR: Just because your brother in law's interpretation of network manipulation is different doesn't mean a judge would feel the same way. I'll bet you all your lost credits that he wouldn't even take a case like this.