
This may be the silliest thing I've ever heard. Contract terms prohibits this to be sold in North America and only on the PS3?

Do these ads even pay off for the advertiser? Maybe my ability to ignore ads is stronger than others.

@QBasicGorilla: I pay $130 for my monthly Dish Network bill. Should they not be allowed to air commercials? While they didn't just patch it into my programming, they have increased the frequency of these commercials. And now TV stations do these little popups during my shows.

Looks like the video was taken by an inexperienced iPhone 4 user who forgot to turn the phone to landscape.

Thankfully me and my DVR have an understanding and we both skip commercials. I can't recall the last time I watched a commercial.

This is how you do an online achievement. It just encourages people to try out a new game mode and not require a billion kills or achieve certain ranks. I hate online achievements especially in sports games where servers are shut down in a year. This is how it should be

@fyngyrz: I don't mind hiding tattoo's, or clearing complexion, but I don't agree with adding or removing body parts. They reshaped her stomach. That's a little more fake than covering up a tattoo.

How long would it take to get there if we went this speed

I look at these new shots and feel as this is an improvement. It's less "cartoony" and more realistic. Definitely different.

No consideration for The Weather Channel app for iOS but it comes in first for Android? Both TWC and Weatherbug apps are the same on each platform so something doesn't add up here.

Sign me up for the Doobie Brothers.

The game should have never been released with the original loading times and without the new difficulty option. The fact that it wasn't put a lot of people off and the negative opinion slowed sales.

It amazes me that people still haven't played this. It truly is worthy of the GOTY edition

Monday Night Football is coming down to the final minutes. So intense.

The good thing about these being at retail is the possibility that they'll be discounted. Of course, currently being a PS+ member, I won't fall for the scam at the end of my year. Only a couple freebies that were worth anything and naturally I already owned. Zero beta's.

@Archaotic: I'm sure they'd have to delay it at least a year since the dev kits are just now being handed to developers. I'm hoping it gives them plenty of time to come out with the next installment.

This game would be an amazing launch title for the unconfirmed by Sony, but confirmed by everyone else PSP2

@chrollo0427: Did I hit head on something and fall into a coma, how long has Kmart been the go to place for gaming. I first noticed it when they had killer deals on Move.

GT5 has it right. You can't make just a NASCAR game. You need more variety. I bought a NASCAR game about a decade ago but it got very boring very fast. If they add Karts, motorcycles, tricycle, and RV racing it would be much better. But the same cars on different tracks that all look the same doesn't cut it anymore