
So why was I getting the text message at 1.8GB and throttled at 2.3GB?

Someone inform the writers at Websters and let them know the term super cheap now means a pitiful 10% discount.

The fact that just 2.3GB is what triggered my throttle is what bothers me. I pay the same $30 as the people with the 3GB tiered plan, yet they don't have the reduced speeds. If I was using 6GB, I could swallow it a little better knowing that I have been excessively using the network, but 2.3GB??? Come on now AT&T.

Seeing as the pitching controls is the ONLY thing that 2k might do a little better shows you just how much better The Show is.

This is a shame. I certainly would have signed up for Netflix if they offered it. I would have given them my money on day 1

I'll have to agree with most of the comments in that Boardwalk Empire is indeed a good show.

I hope it has a longer flight time than the 10 minutes it currently has. 10 minutes of flight, followed by 90 minutes of charging.

They did cancel Firefly

This post only tells me that mine and Mario's taste in movies are completely different. Four of these movies are in the top 10 grossing movies of 2011. So I suspect many other people have different tastes.

TV—-"In general, you want to position it so that the center of the screen is at eye level (when you're seated)."

I thought he did a good job. It sounded natural in the show. I would have thought it was an actual foreign language.

Not as offensive to me as them using the article they prepared on Sept 9 and posting this without first changing the date.

The article was written ahead of time. They just forgot to change the placeholder date. How else did they have this entire thing posted just minutes after Apple announced it.

HBO Go has a Late Night tab, fyi. It includes, Alien Sex Files, Real Sex, Katie Morgan's Sex Quiz, Busty Cops and the Jewel of Denial, etc.

Except Abrams and Spielberg know the exact size, font, and placement of the watermark. It would be easy to determine if it was faked.

I have averaged 4.16GB a month, since the day iPhone 4 was released. I'm expecting to be effected by this new change.

"Here's the truth that you don't want to publish - 99.99% of users will never be hit with bandwidth caps. "

I have a Dell XPS 17 3D laptop currently on a FedEx truck heading my way as we speak. I'm looking forward to giving it a whirl. With similar specs, it's got a considerably lower price tag. I'd rather have the Origin, but at the fraction of the cost that the Dell provides, it'll have to do.

I think we need to send the A-Team after Anonymous

The timing of this makes it sound legit. It was only a matter of time before a better hacking group hacked the hackers. The only way the will go away is if we fight fire with fire.