
There was a two-dimensional dinosaur?

Don’t worry, Ashley thinks she used to work for a news site too!

Then perhaps he owes more than 100K! It’s a damn shame Peter Thiel forced Daulerio to publish revenge porn, mock the judge, ignore a court order, and then quip about child porn in a court proceeding.

The personal judgment against him was 100K. If that ruined his life, then it’s completely his fault for posting revenge porn (and possibly rape), mocking and disobeying the judge who ordered Hogan’s video to be removed, and acting like an idiot during the lawsuit.

Daulerio, in his forties, was 40K in debt on student loans before the lawsuit, even after his “success” as a “journalist.”

Can’t wait for Draper’s next 5,000 words when ESPN does something slightly incorrect

Not even close to half the time

So a 98 yard gain that falls just short of the goal line is not reviewable, but a 1 yard gain on first down from the 1 yard line is what you want to review.

It’s a noun in this context. This isn’t Jezebel where we have to ignore legitimate usage of words. Get lost.