You’re very welcome. Life’s hard enough without having to hide who you are.
I’m very sorry your friend was so bigoted and hurtful. I can tell that you are strong and wonderful, and if they can’t see that through their cloud of transphobia, well, they aren’t worthy of your time or your love. I hope that, upon consideration and reflection, your friend realizes their error and asks for your…
What I really liked about the interview is that they weren't out to humiliate or ridicule Bruc. He came off very well and maintained his dignity, regardless of those nasty paparazzi shouting awful things at him. They should be ashamed of themselves. I would be honored to one day meet Bruce/her and tell him how…
You were just as brave as Bruce; it’s just that the venues were different.
hugs and love and support! it is absolutely shitty that that person would say that shit to you but it's often true that when you decide to be whoever or whatever you are some people are not going to be okay with it. it sucks - no two ways about it it sucks that when you do things to be better for yourself some people…
You are amazing and awesome just the way you are and anyone who rallies against you, while painful now, let it go. They will either come around or not. Either way, you will shine. Peace and blessings in your journey!
Then more hugs from here too!
gaaaah my partner is NB/trans and people being the fucking worst when you’re like “mm actually this is disrespectful” is terrible. Like, it gets to me and I’m the fucking cis partner in this equation, I can’t imagine.
Sending so much love and light your way!
You get all the hugs, sweetness, and kisses, too.
<3 I'm so glad this interview had that effect on you! My biggest hope was that the interview would bring help and happiness to the many folks out there with stories like yours. Good on you for standing up for yourself and what's right, and I'm sorry that you endured the hatred of transphobia in doing so. You should be…
God bless. I am in awe of Bruce for undertaking something that will undoubtedly make a MASSIVE change (or a massive push toward change) regarding the trans experience and how the public acknowledges trans people. Never mind the personal bravery involved. One of my best, most loving and compassionate friends made a…
god bless you.
Love to you!!!!
**Hugs if you want ‘em**
As if this story hadn’t pulled on my heart strings enough... she wore a butterfly-embellished shirt with “have courage and be kind” written across it?! Everyday is Mackenzie moretter day
Thanks, but I’m just about done taking political advice from dead white guys.