
I will never recommend doing anything at the last minute (way too many migraines and sleepless nights for it to be worth it for people with a functioning body) but as an insomniac, a perfectionist and someone who tends to suffer a lot of anxiety attacks, I always put things off to the last minute because my ultimate



19 inch statue for $675? And with that detail? Worth it.

20 seconds in and my ears began to bleed.

I see why you find it funny but .. I don't think he has studied it the way you think he has.

Jesus, what a fucking babe.

This sounds horrible and I'm not having a go at everyone's experiences when I say this but I almost wish I was catcalled instead of what I dealt with when I was 10. I was at a crowded saree shop with my Mum and the salesman would keep passing by me, squeeze my nipple and kiss his fingers while looking at me. I was 10.

Way to ignore an ENTIRE demographic of PS and PC players, even if it's a timed exclusive (which I'm hoping it is).


I am completely destroyed over this.

That's because she's not macho!~ All seriousness aside, that is precisely the reason why I would dress Lara in her Mountaineer costume because WEARING A TANK TOP IS MADNESS WHILE YOU'RE BEING THROWN ACROSS THE LANDSCAPE AS AN AIRPLANE CRASHES AT YOU and somehow that costume looked like it would protect her, even just

I have to say, it was a beautiful game. There wasn't a moment I was bored so that's a fucking accomplishment for the makers of the game.

I like how people keep tearing her apart as weak willed and whatnot. To me, she was structured as someone who'd be pissing themselves in fear for being stuck on an island crawling with psychos trying to kill her and her friends. It's survival of the fucking fittest, you kill or either get killed. Not much of choice

Mortal Kombat. It just seemed like it was made to take serious pleasure in those fatalities. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed that game, it just didn't sit right with me.

I am screaming.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT. That's hilarious and unusual. But normally, water is what we use to clean ourselves.

This is the part where I laugh at everyone because .. we Indians use water to clean ourselves very very well and so, we are free to wear thongs without a care in the world.

I want this to happen to my life.