Please. Just kill me. I am so fucking done and I'd rather be dead than witness this shit.
You know, at this point, I don't even care anymore. I've waited years and years for a female superhero movie since Elektra and have been constantly disappointed and after Gal Gadot being cast as Wonder Woman, my favourite female superhero, I have just about had it. They could cast Miley Cyrus as the next female…
I don't know, if it's their job to look good, it doesn't seem impossible.
This is what I imagined for Wonder Woman. Good fucking grief, I want to scream a little.
Nope. Not a fan. At all. I was extremely skeptical of Gal Gadot playing Wonder Woman and ... these guys didn't fail me. She looks exactly like how I had imagined they would make her look like.
Well then. :C
.... Is it bad that I feel a little smug that I can sit either positions for indefinite amount of time?
Honestly, I have always loved Jillian Michaels because she really does speak well about health and does not hand out unsolicited advice to "fat" people. She has always talked about what's good and bad for your health. That's it. But then Biggest Loser started fucking around with her image, and not just hers, the other…
That may or may not have terrified me.
Honestly, the "crazy face" is one of my favourite faces because when he's about to SLICE THE FUCK OUT OF ... well, people who've seen the show/read the manga, I mean, it's obvious he was pissed the fuck off and he was ready to cut a bitch in half. I love that. I love that so much, GAH I LOVE YOU, LEVI, YOU SASSBUCKET,…
I hate being online on the go. It's the only time I get to hear my own thoughts and .. yeah, trying to contact me on social media when I'm out is absolutely useless.
This was quite entertaining, somehow.
You know, I really want to comment on how fucked up this story is .. but .. I'm just sitting here and wailing with laughter at the comments. Not even kidding, this story was worth publishing just for the comments.
I'm not quite sure whether to laugh or cry at the image you just painted for us.
This is my favourite post ever.
I want to hug you after this post.
I ugly snorted so hard and felt embarrassed of myself. (And I'm in my room by myself!)