
500 points from Gryffindor.

I think I speak for everyone at this point:

Many identify their womanhood with being soft and maternal. This is not to say that all women feel that way, but they have been socially conditioned to feel that they are. Let's not forget, there are some women who do feel that way, not just as a result of social conditioning, but how they identify themselves as.

Way to be an asshole.

I .. abhorred the second Mortal Kombat movie .. and then I was given The Legend of Chun Li and suffered some serious heart palpitations.

Oh dear, I didn't mean that seriously. But if I were to answer that seriously, it depends on context.

I'm not one for violence either but, I am totally okay with what Lewis said. Before anyone starts flaming me, here me out.

Gah! Need to get back into it! But University! D:

Rude. >.>


Meh. No big deal. It just means I'll have to be confused for a couple of seconds. -side eyes America-


Man, Fink's Slaughterhouse was a blast for me because, 1) I was a Siren, 2) Legendary mod "Slayer of Terramorphous", 3) Had the Infinity pistol. Just teared the place down. And with the healing skill, and me getting health back while phasing enemies, sigh ... it was beautiful fun. :3 Although, I'm more of a shotgun

Pardon? :(

I basically screamed, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" when the dance routine began.

Fuck Geri Halliwell. For every single word she uttered.

I had a heart attack just by looking at it.

Honestly, I'm really glad that he's been caught. I take it quite personally because at my last shift at a major American restaurant, I had TWO D&D's. It was quite stressful because 1) we were understaffed that day, 2) overworked (Myself alone, I was taking care of 48 people), 3) 2 dine and dashers, 4) getting the

Pfft, all these racist Americans just butthurt because Indians (who are stereotypically considered uneducated and uncivilised) actually know how to do shit.

Your brother seems fantastic and I want to shake his hand for being fantastic.