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    You are blaming her for the way it MIGHT make the OP feel, when she has a right to share her feelings. You are blaming her for victimizing, when she was the one who was victimized and she has the absolute right to share her feelings about it. You are also tone policing her and trying (and failing) to silence her

    I’m so sorry that Kony and rudebarb are trying to silence you and your feelings, as a victim. I hope that they have not re-traumatized or triggered you with their patronizing barbs and their lack of sympathy (which they ironically accused you of). I’m shocked at the level of pile on here and I find the tone policing

    I agree 100%. I'm sorry that Kony is the in mood to be ignorant and silencing today. Hopefully the remainder of zir day is less patronizing and nasty.

    You should be ashamed of the victim blaming you have been doing here. Your behavior was so disgusting that I created an account for the first time to comment here.