Would Even Prefer Joffrey

It seems aimed at the vast army of Eurovision fans who have affection for something that's very silly but also fun. Just like eg ice dance. If you don't know or care about Eurovision god knows what you'll make of it, but the film recognises it's pointless to mock something that's already self parodic. 

McAdams studied copious amounts of Bjork clips, while Pierce Brosnan watched one Swedish Chef sketch and decided he was good to go.

Eurovision is exactly like WWE (only somehow even gayer.) The fandom appreciates on an nth-level tier of irony which involves fully understanding the ludicrousness of it while also earnestly loving it. If you made a rasslin’ movie that was like “haha this is fake rasslin’ain’t real”, you’d get quite rightly destroyed

What is it you think iPhones do? They allow you to communicate with your friends (i.e. socialise), watch interesting videos or play games (i.e. pursue hobbies and/or learn a new skill), read a book (i.e. read a book) and also work or relax.

You sound like you’re 95.

This is why I don’t trust people who claim to want movies and tv that are “real”.  If they got it, they’d be bored senseless.  Reality is dull.  We amp up the drama on TV for a reason.

If reality TV didn’t have lying, scheming, manipulative, hateful, bigoted people, all that would be left is a bunch of boring people going about their day.

Don’t forget about PR execs!

You know what would make a good shew? About a group of sister company bloggers who have to compete against each other in the same content space: media & entertainment. It’s an in-depth look at being young(ish) and getting paid(ish) to work on the internet and live in New York. But not everything is peaches and cream

Her head is very large.

I mean, it’s difficult. The shelter I used to volunteer for used to basically say this. You don’t know what issues you are inheriting and every dog’s past is individual so you need to be committed for this. Frankly IMO it was the best thing they could do to have a serious chat with the potential owners about the

Voice of reason. I’ve always had dogs but am not an expert in training them. I DO have 30 years under my belt with horses though and it’s very similar in that world. There are animals who require a “pro ride” and just aren’t safe and aren’t ever going to be safe for the majority of amateur riders. In the horse world

I dunno, I keep seeing people using the fact that Dunham took the dog everywhere, including work engagements, as proof the dog was fine, but isn’t it more likely that part of the problem was that she could never leave him home alone (or with any other person)?

Just because it worked for you doesn’t mean it works for everybody. I have a close friend who had a rescue without problem for 8 years. GREAT DOG. Then she had a baby and the dog LOST ITS MIND. Like, actually started jumping out windows. Trainers, psychologists, prozac and thousands of dollars - resulting in

But maybe the fact that she kept him for four years means that she tried a bunch of things and didn’t give up on him easily? There is a charitable interpretation of this.

I don’t know the details of this dog, but there are some dogs out there, just like people, who react differently. Some dogs do not get better.

That’s such dumb logic, because dogs from breeders can have all sorts of behavioral issues (and I say this as someone who is not opposed to responsible breeding). I once got bit in the face by a family member’s dog who was bought as a puppy from a breeder.

I have all rescues myself. Difficult dogs are not for everybody. And it looks like she wasn’t fit for that dog as much as it wasn’t fit for her. These things happen. And she took the care to re-home it. That’s not irresponsible, in fact quite the opposite.

A lot of dogs get turned into the humane society for behavioral problems. If this dog was more than Dunham could handle, then she did the right thing by getting him to the people who could. Lamby is now with an owner that can manage his problems and loves him. That’s the best outcome for the dog.

Good thing your personal experience is universal, and all dogs are the same, then.