
“More diversity in the fields of mythology, religion, and spirituality can only be a positive.”

Of course she has a Starbucks gold card....

Yes. The first 45 minutes of the bug yapping at you gets me to quit every damn time.

My dislike for it is super petty: There’s so much text and it scrolls SO PAINFULLY slow and at least in the version I played you could do nothing to speed it up. After a while I just wanted characters to shut up.

D-O-G is just being his asshole cat self, and it’s helping.

Today we no longer recognize the universal truth: that God is the author of our life and liberty.

Senior character artist here... You’re exactly right about what’s going on and why this looks the way it does.

Say the word. Cunt. It’s a word, not an incantation that will bring about the apocalypse. It’s despicable to call a woman that in this context, but when relaying what happened, say the fucking word.

Hi Whitney,

Hmm. No one would adopt a kid to a sitting legislator? WTF did that caseworker find?!

I use my Echo for my home automation. I don’t have to check if I left my garage light on, and I can ask it to turn the thermostat up and down. I also use it... Who am I kidding?

This one is getting a truly weird whitewash, with Franks asserting that it all stems from mere misunderstandings about conversations he had with staffers about surrogacy, and of course, he deeply regrets it if they took it the wrong way, or whatever, but he’s resigning because, oh well, what? Anyhow, I expect this one

no in the bad timeline pikachu is stripped of his detective license and deported

This is the good timeline version of 2017 leaking through

But I want more Josh Groban.

He’d better fucking resign. Dems need to show everyone that, unlike Pubs, they are willing to kick predatory assholes to the curb.

Well, Sam sold me with his Polanski crack. For that alone he deserves a permanent job at MSNBC, IMHO.

I know this is a book post but another possibility for this demo is the 40th anniversary edition re-release of A Farewell To Kings by Rush.

The hero photograph at the top is wonderful. I love that the athleticism is secondary only to those faces of JOY!

Not to mention, it’s a goddamn personal space issue.