“Twitch used to be full of people who were bullied, but now it’s full of a bunch of sluts.”
“Twitch used to be full of people who were bullied, but now it’s full of a bunch of sluts.”
Holy shit.
I fear that men will just compulsively label any victory by women at the Academy Awards this upcoming year as “payback,” no matter the actual merit of the winner or the losers in comparison. It will yet again be a diminishing and diminution of the successes of women in the name of even-handedness.
It sucks that Anna Paquin even has to justify why she didn’t talk about the incident sooner. Not only was it not her story to tell (especially given the fact that it involved Ellen Page’s sexuality and she only recently came out) but also IT SHOULD NOT BE A WOMAN’S JOB TO POLICE THE VILE BEHAVIOR OF MEN IN THEIR…
“The fish’s hitbox can actually end up being a little above where the fish appear to be floating, forcing players to learn how to aim at phantom fish in order to impale the little suckers.”
I was in boxing for most of elementary through high school. I was told frequently that boys don’t like athletic girls, let alone girls that could beat them up.
This is a tough thing to reckon with. Especially given the concept that us men all exist on this spectrum. Surely, there are men worse than I who have done objectively horrible things. I’ve always thought of myself as a decent guy and would not for a second lump myself in those residing on that end of the spectrum.…
Fwiw the fact that a lot of men do seem to be getting the message and trying to re-examine does mean something. It’s not easy to soul search like that, so the number of men saying similar things all over the comments gives me some hope.
It certainly did me. It has forced me to re-evaluate a lot of my previous interactions with women. It has also made me realize I need to be exceedingly proactive in teaching my son about consent, boundaries, accountability, etc.
A request to the writers: if ever you feel like you’ve written too much about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, please write more about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. ❤
David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.
I think it tracks with my previous opinion of Tarantino. He’ll probably get a ration of shit for this, and it won’t be undeserved, but I think part of what makes him a remarkable artist is that he can do things like this. He can indict himself. I think this might change him, and he might help change the culture of…
Sadly, the bar really is that low. There are people working in the industry, Weinstein employees even who are sating they had no idea. So someone saying they did and didn’t lift a finger is not the worst.
It’s a minefield for guys. I know a lot of times when you try to explain harassment to men they wonder where does that leave flirting or asking a person out. All I can tell them is be aware of the signals, if someone is uncomfortable or not engaging leave them alone. If it’s going well, ask them out, but if that makes…
Because that is what will disrupt the sudden burst overreaction and outrage. Like I’m all for dragging shitty men, what I ain’t down with is dragging people who have shown growth and learned from their mistakes.
Jason Momoa apologized and made a documentary about rape. He apologized again. We can continue to flagellate him when he actually made progress/amends or we can actually bring the spotlight back onto a serious predator with current conversation we are all having. I suggest this dude:
This is a fantastic graph. I like to talk about “unrealistic expectations” these days when it comes to american businesses. I feel that it’s a major component to this issue. Our nation, people, and businesses had much greater prosperity in previous generations and we all coexisted just fine. One of the differences now…
Correct re: brackets. You can have two brackets or 200 brackets. Doesn’t matter since it’s just a matter of looking up your income and finding it on the chart. So it takes six seconds longer to find your bracket among the 199 others. It makes no difference in “simplifying” the tax code. Wanna simplify? Every dollar…
There is so much WTF with this story but...
Oh, I get it. ‘Estrogen Hour’ cause crying and having empathy is for women. We should totally listen to men like Sabo. He knows the correct way for men to have feelings - gunning down hundreds of innocent people from the safety of a hotel room.