
So the whole robo-taxi thing...are people really going to let strangers ride around in their cars without them?

Chuy’s? How is Gen Z’s favorite Tex Mex only in the Houston, TX, area. Does Gen Z all live in Houston? Actually, looking at the complete list, Houston is the only city with at least 1 of each of those. 

their burgers are fine. But their french fires are like eating wet chalk

From what I’ve read, you can buy resources that you use for upgrading the mechs. Essentially, speeds up progression. They plan to have a cosmetics shop, but that won’t be in the early access. 

No, no, no, he blew up an aircraft carrier while in the navy

We’ll see. They handled the Bill and Frank’s story pretty well. No tragic ending, just going out as they chose in each other’s arms.

Oh really? They do look a lot alike, especially when Ashley was a Bella’s age.

If they thought it was a badass simulator” they didn’t play the game. Joel sucks at everything. The aim sway is soooo bad, Joel is far from a badass for most of the game...and the game is better for it.

so a series of interconnected hollers and trails within the mountains...

With as many teslas that just catch on fire, that Las Vegas loop is a death trap waiting to happen.

Tunnels in Florida????? bwahahahahahAHHA!!!!

So it filled a role that people wanted it to. That’s not failure. Expecting people would use it for anything else. That was the real failure.

There are way less expensive and embarrassing ways to prove how good you at riding a dick.

Yeah, people should be sexually confused more often. It gives you an opportunity to examine what you are really attracted to.

Holy shit! Thank you. That is so cool. Now Facebook looks like I want it to.

Can you imagine if social media just showed you a chronological list of content from your friends, subs, groups, etc. rather than using algorithms to push content at you in the name of “engagement”? Section 230 doesn’t protect service providers who editorialize. One could argue the algorithms are editorializing, just

Was this article written as a Culture inside joke?

This makes tampering with the transaction record almost impossible, but also offers anonymity and privacy.”

Some rules to add:

I’m there with ya. I actually didn’t think the show looked all that gritty or angsty, it just looks grounded in as much as any of these shows can be.