
So, this is my industry, and I am (among other things) an actor of color, and let me tell you something. I know how money works (for the most part), I GET that one of the worst problems with Broadway is capitalism. But when I saw this picture, it was at the exact same time that I learned that Oak was replacing Groban,

I’m surprised to see Rowling misusing “whom.”

I felt sick when I saw it live.

don’t let your fans hold you hostage, joe. do what’s right for you, not the mob.

100% ok to be disappointed he’s taking a break. 0% ok to be a raging dick and demand he make videos for you nonstop. Its not the same level of a break that Nostalgia critic took (granted NC was planning on quitting permanently), but if it refreshes him half as much his show would be in a great place.

No, we can’t agree on that. I found it delightful.

She’s really cute, and her joy brought *me* joy. That was a nice brain break. I hope she had fun. It was hot as hell at Comic-con this year, weather-wise. Mr. Whisperer and I are both still recovering.

She is clearly enjoying life. That is awesome.

Crushing so hard rn

Fuck, I wish I enjoyed anything in my life as much as Lupita enjoyed Comic-Con...

+420 stars

You mean PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds isn’t about physically attacking everyone who’s crossed PlayerUnknown in real life? ;)

Almost as if there’s a difference between playing a violent video game and threatening violence in real life (even as a joke).

Before I even read any of the comments.

No, the problem is the Democratic establishment is a bunch of morons. If the Clinton team couldn’t tell they might just possibly have an issue in Wisconsin when they ignored the state for the entirety of the general campaign, or Michigan, when Debbie Dingell was all but screaming to the DNC that things were going

Um...I need some eyebleach now.

I’ve said it several times, but if we had to get rid of all other DC universes and just stick with one, the DCAU is hands-down the best one to go with. Maybe it doesn’t hit the same highs as the main DC comics universe, but it has far fewer lows.

There. Fixed.

I wish I could remember this better, but I’m groggy. Stephen Colbert had a good bit about this “going to any meeting” part as well, along the lines of; Manafort and Jared are all kinds of busy with the campaign, and DTJr supposedly tells them: Hey, I want you drop everything to and come to this meeting I have set up!

Don’t count out Jesus’ right hand man, Mike Pence. He is lurking now, just waiting for his chance.