

Inclusivity is already an important goal, and I’m really glad to hear about the people working to increase visibility on this issue.

So he is technically correct. Which, according to Futurama is the best kind of correct.

Bezos should rename the sales tax that Amazon now charges to “Donald Trump’s Internet Tax” with a link to that tweet.

(Am I the only one having trouble posting images? When I do, they show up as doubled, and then become huge.)

i want swedish meatballs right now.
Also the trick to IKEA shopping is to take a workday off and go in the morning when everyone else is working.

Still have mine, still annoying black/white button placement that still doesn’t work well for fighting games, and terrible dpad anyway

Oh, I don’t know, Sasquatch would have shed enough hair for the meat wagon crew to be suspicious.

A pillow on a bed you say? That’s not where a pillow goes.

On Sunday, NBC will air Megyn Kelly’s interview with noted conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who believes with certainty that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 was a government hoax.

The fact that Alex Jones is requesting Kelly cancel the airing indicates she did go at him. Additionally, she isn’t wrong, his network got press credentials, it is important people know why that is disgusting.

My 13 year old daughter does special fx! She’s attending a camp for it next week and I’m really excited. She’s self-taught so far so it’ll be interesting to see how/if she changes technique with instruction. Here’s her latest:

It was God’s will. Can’t argue with that.

Be careful not to fall off your high horse, you could hurt yourself.

As someone with 3 dogs, all weighing between 60-80 pounds....Yes. I agree with this. I do not trust other people around my dogs and that is why I take extra precaution when we are in public, muzzles included. People already act up around us because I walk and travel with 3 dogs, and big dogs, but taking the precaution

Hey now...once Trump’s policies kick in, those kids will have some coality healthcare.

That is actually a super-great chart. Even textbooks usually list everything out in paragraph form and referencing it quickly is a huge pain.

Yes, and to buttress it further here is a funny (and apparently true) aspect: the Norman conquest of England was not until the 11th Century IIRC. And, some time, after that, of course, there were often two words for everything: one with the Germanic root (as you noted) and one with Latinate root (from French).

And that fine line would be the concept of “consent”.

Yup! Dudes who put so much value on men on average being better athletically than women athletes tend to have this idea in their head that almost all men are better athletes then all women in the world. I’ve seen so many videos of dudes claiming they can beat the fastest female runner or boxer in their country, and it