
The receptionist where I used to work confided in me that she was having an abortion, because I was going to have to cover her desk for while she was gone. I remember her looking at me with so much shame and anticipation of judgement and it broke my heart. It's a legal medical procedure. No one should be made to feel

Fuckabee, don’t make me eat Doritos just to spite you...

Now playing

Don’t forget “strident” or “sharp elbowed”:

Oh yeah, the atmosphere and mood in that game was phenomenal! I loved the original movie as well, and Rockstar really nailed the feeling of being in the shoes of the legendary street gang.

You’re telling me that ladies are having abortions - a not fun medical procedure - just to benefit mankind through medical research? Fuck, we are a generous lot, aren't we?

Sure, I worry about electing a Muslim if he/she believes that religious beliefs should take precedence over the constitution and the way our country is ruled. I also worry about electing a Christian with the same viewpoint of their religious beliefs. Electing an evangelical Christian who will insist on imposing

I have the feeling we’ve elected a lot of atheists, just most of them won’t admit it.

I just want people who are able to separate their faith from law. Also not to force their religious values on me and others. By my measure, a lot of Christain fail my test.

Scene- My bedroom, 2 AM, after a bottle and a half of wine.
Players (In a theatre sense, not like, a gross way to say ‘lovers’ or whatever)- My husband and also my me.

We were young, early 20’s, shitty on wine, having laugh sex, where we sort of clumsily bounced around the bedroom, laughing and not totally putting all

I flirted with libertarianism back before I knew better. There are some good ideas in there, but the philosophy is based on the idea that all people are equally-positioned. It doesn’t take into account structural oppression and how it provides natural advantages to certain groups (of which Rand happens to belong to).

I’m not belittling yours or anyone else’s choice to purchase the latest DLC with their own money. I am bemoaning the fact that my own decision to hold off on purchasing said DLC due to a current lack of extra spending money has resulted in my copy of the game — which, for the past year, included 100% of all available

Congratulations Mark and Allen, and a beautifully written article.

I haven’t seen it so I can’t confirm, but apparently in the second Transformers movie the characters escape from the National Air and Space Museum out into the aircraft boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base...in Tucson, AZ.

This is a strangely beautiful & sprawling epic into madness.

Let's hope a mustachioed Sam Elliott is attached as well.



If prayer really worked there would be more than one season of firefly.

I wish Kojima just said “because I want to dress her that way.” It seems like a more honest and less eye-roll worthy reason.