Worse Horse

It’s simply untrue that “Belushi didn’t even make the effort to clean up.” He was clean for nearly a year between the making of THE BLUES BROTHERS and the months before his death. He and his wife hired an ex-cop to help him maintain sobriety, and he also made efforts to better his overall health with diet and

I always come to these comments for insights from better-read Royal afficiandos, so here’s a question: was the tone Charles’s aide (chief of staff?) took with Diana a-historically antagonistic? He seemed termination-level surly and insubordinate to my eyes - were folks that married into the family given that much less

Dumb question from a guy who hasn’t watched this series but have seen bits and pieces in passing:

I guess I was right to begin with - I checked Amazon to make sure when the book was published, and they listed a 2010 date (must have been for a later edition). Thanks for correcting me.

A WALK IN THE WOODS, if only from the trailer, seemed to me like it might have once been intended for Newman-Redford. But since the source novel didn’t come out until two years after Newman’s death, I guess that wasn’t the case.

She was terrific on LA LAW - I was sad when they phased her character out after only one season.

I thought it didn’t quite track either. Best I came up with was, since it was coming after Loy saying the Italians weren’t Rabbi’s people, Rabbi was replying sarcastically. (As in, “Oh, and I suppose YOU’RE my Mommy here to save me - when our skin tones don’t even match?”)

Not an article, but the book The Making of Citizen Kane by Robert L. Carringer covers it pretty evenhandedly.

Very good, but I’ll still give the edge to Sorkin’s fanfic:

Agreed as far as AMAZING 2 - that’s still the best live-action Spidey-suit, IMO.

I found the movie messy but watchable. But the age issues in the casting were REALLY distracting. Bad enough the older actors were playing their younger selves in flashbacks (without even their gray hairs being touched up!), but then you saw a bunch of under-30s playing supposed children of Vietnam-era soldiers (Otis

I realize the official AV Club line is that Whedon is the devil and must be shunned by all right-thinking people, but you’re quite off-base this time, at least. Gunn and Whedon have been friends/friendly for decades. The character of Gunn on ANGEL was named for the director (and his brother), and Whedon was a big

In a perfect world, NEW MUTANTS would be a tv franchise to parallel a series of X-MEN features. Maybe with Marvel TV and film now under Feige’s control, the MCU mutants will be able to coordinate such a thing.

“[Actor X] - you wanna play Xavier in X-MEN? Fine - you also have to do 3 appearances a year on our NEW

Now playing

Despite not really knowing the old PERRY MASON show, I knew the theme through pop-culture seepage and The Blues Brothers recording a version of it in the 80s. Now that message boards have clued me into who all the characters on the HBO version become on the original show, the lyrics Elwood added (and invented?) really

Counter-counterpoint: Homeland and Brody.

Newman should have won for NOBODY’S FOOL.

Public Service Announcement for those watching STARGIRL on the CW: this week’s episode is listed as simply “Stargirl” in the FiOS program guide. Problem is my season-long DVR entry is under “DC’s Stargirl” (as prior episodes were listed), so it would have not recorded had I not noticed. Not sure if this applies to

I realize it was a couple years away, but nowadays JUSTIFIED would like a word. ; )

Can anyone explain why a black woman would vote for Trump? As I got off the elevator in my (Brooklyn) polling station in 2016, a mid-30s woman scooped her toddler up and cheerfully exited ahead of me with “C’mon, baby - let’s go stop Hillary!”

I guess that’s the answer in and of itself, but almost four years later I’m

They shot it with an existing Prince track - I want to say “1999,” but don’t hold me to it. . .