Neurotic Optic

I figured Euron was sticking around after the actor said his character will make Ramsay look like Mary poppins. (Paraphrasing)

Jeez dude, tell em what you really think?? Damn I got tired reading half of that

Honestly what the hell happend with Euron? Is he leading the Nordic neo/nazi pirate movement now?

I guess they're saving the dragon glass for the Ice Dragon??!! Capturing the wight to convince Cersei looks real smaaart now that the WW can ICE kings landing or anywhere they choose

Why is positively mediocre show still getting recapped and Snowfall, just as its gathering Mo Mo, getting the shaft??

Do u mean Behind the Candlebra??

If it was anybody but Soderbergh, say MCG or insert generic American Commercial Director, would y'all be raving on it?? Doubt it

Ok all valid points but it can't be in Out of Sight/Traffic/Oceans tier of his ouevre…

How is Magic MIke is anybody's top 10? Explain please? This coming from someone named Michael as well

Ice ice Dr….

Sorry couldn't get snap out quick enough to get it?? Something about somebody dying, though it could have been forged

Bookeem woodbine makes any staggering show find its footing

I know he isn't but a majority of commenters think he is

Well I guess Bronn has to join back up with Tyrion or he wouldn't be a sell sword??

No Jamie has to take out Cersei to fulfill the prophecy, right book nerds?

Colin stunt casting Mark duplass as a zany nerf hearder with a floppy ear didn't help either…

I feel Paul Greengrass is to blame for Bigs losing her ditching her original visual style in favor of shaky cam muddled overly self serous docudramas.

I guess Grey Worm better get used to performing cunninglynigis

Oh lord I'm already hearing the Blue Velvet (Trap Hop Remix) oblittering my brain

For a second I thought ford was rebooting Blue Velvet with him playing the D Hop Role… which now that I think about would be awesome