Neurotic Optic

Wasn't a huge fan of Linkin Park but RIP to Chester. Used to play at Lincoln Park which inspired the bands name all time. Love & light to his family

Say that again. His "I'm a give you this corndog" from VP was one of the funniest lines last year. I could imagine his character on snowfall saying that in a more sinister context

The most unsettling thing about this episode is the psycho rapist thug Carvell is played by the same dude who played sweet, laid back Darnell in Vice Principals.

Yeah posted the review a little too early there bud.

somewhere there is a red herring joke here but my limited wit is failing me… help

Good point I have the image of 12 year old Joshua Jackson as a reference point

Is it me or does the dude playing Euron look like a bloated, eurotrash version of Joshua Jackson from mighty ducks?

I agree she is as brave and graceful as Joffrey was petty and cowardice.

If I was the kings slayer I'd get the fuck out of dodge and let Euron go Cosby on Cersei. He needs to reunite with Brienne. They were made for one another

I was hoping Ed Sheeran would have gotten his head Sheened off but remembered pop stars don't cameo to get one offed

I'm resisting bringing up the racial undertones of my shushing history but they must intersect
With others forced to play shusher to save a moviegoing experience?

Fear leads to hate and hate leads to the dark side… of an angry message board.

Can we all admit we're pretty scared about this guy effing up Episode 9 after Johnson kills it with Last Jedi.

Funny how the dude playing bill is an actual comedian and yet feels the most stagey and stiff on the stage.

These last two comments prove my point entirely. I doubt either of you have actually watched a full episode of Real Time.

Carlin is my all time favorite too. But remember he said some shit about feminists that definitely would have gotten him crucified in today's media climate. Probably on this site as well…

Exactly my point.

Even when Maher fucks up it leads to critical, cogent discourse about white privilege where us "white liberal social justice warriors" truly get that we contribute to WP just as much as the Jeff sessioners.!

I can't for the life of me understand why there is so much hate for Maher on this site. Sure he can smug, cross boundaries, but he owned up to his mistake. He is one of the few voices we have calling truth to power every night and when he's connected, he is as transcendent as George Carlin was in his day.

I never even smoked marbaros… I smoked cools