They are all-time best sellers, after all.
They are all-time best sellers, after all.
This might be the best roundup all year but I think Most Valuable Sign might have to go to the Connor Cook’s mom one. Mom jokes are the most timeless, agressively American form of comedy.
Completely deserved. That’s a mighty group of finalists, but there was something about Witcher 3 that sticks with you. It was easy to forget you were playing a video game a lot of time because the world was just so damned engrossing, from geography to writing, it’s the type of game world that if you play long enough…
Anyone know some good Simpsons episodes featuring Bumblebee Man? Got a hankering suddenly.
Cleveland: Haha, what losers...
Oh fuck. Does this mean Pettine is taking the Jags to dynasty-status with a 6th rounder at QB in a few years?
Aaand I believe we have out next Paranormal Activity sequel.
I know I've been stealing sweet rolls every chance I get.
Redblack: You’ll regret this day, friend!
Does Megan Prichard feel better or worse that she doesn’t start for GLC?
Kinja, we need a button for two stars.
This is why you never take your helmet off.
Joe approves.
Jesus Having Sex Christ, he's good at bball.
Letters to the editor are like Internet comments sections bundled into a Werther’s Original.
Despite the unis, Spurs look like a bunch of pussies.
Clearly, the Brownes. Sadly, the rivalry has lost punch as Cleavland nobly tries to return to prominence. Ironically, the olde Brauns, the current Baltimoore Raivens are now the Stealers’ primar — ah fuck, I can’t do this anymore. Get your shit together, Asheville.
The Pittsburgh Steelers, sure. The Pittsburg Steelers? Got no heart, need help in their secondary, LBs can’t bring the heat. Health is an issue, too. Hope is lost on that sideline. Hell, the home crowd hardly causes hearing problems when hosting historic rivals.
Ah, yea read a little quickly. Comment stands that Teddy was basically a superhero. Thanks for catching that.
Hey! Stop being rational! ... Wait, no, keep it up!