
It’s fake. Made up by the anti-Semitic far left Tumblrs who HATE Gal for being Israeli and have been trying to spread different rumors about her since she blew up. The same person that posted that on Medium was in the Jez comment sections last week trying to spread the story. Username was Kateri.

yeah referendums/surveys about whether or not to allow same-sex couples to marry are horrifying. It’s basically straight people being asked “so should gay people have the same rights as you?” Gay marriage is about equality, not about whether or not straight peope find us equal and not disgusting

You and I are very different people

He wouldn’t be the first closeted gay man to prey on young girls - as evidenced by some of his vile supporters saying “I don’t care if he did it; at least he’s honest” (which variation I heard today) - because not only are they vulnerable and their credibility obviously at risk in a sexist society, but their secondary

I mean yes, if he had won, I think Hillary’s voters would have acted like grown ups and supported Bernie full-heartedly against Trump. But he lost for a reason, and that reason sure wasn’t that the DNC somehow magically brainwashed almost 4 million people into voting for Hillary when they really wanted Bernie. He’s

The Senate GOP takes a stand against harming individual young girls by molesting them, but it’s OK to systematically harm them by the thousands or millions with policies like denial of access to birth control, abortion, and health care, and denial of parental resources that could help young girls, like food stamps,

Well, rapists know other rapists.

I voted for Bernie in the primary. I was excited a socialist made it that far. That was SOOOOO long ago. I found out so much shit I didn’t know at the time; he has acted like a prima donna over and over again. I would never vote for him again. I actually regret that vote. Fuck him. I officially can’t stand him at this

Roy Moore was banned from his local mall for being a creep. Given how terrible you have to be to get banned from a single department store - especially as a rich white dude who isn’t shoplifting - I can’t imagine the levels of creeper needed to get banned from the whole building.

He’s too old. He is 74. I think that having a president almost 80 by the time he’s in his term is too old.

Thanks - I appreciate it.

Biden needs to go the fuck away from politics already. No way I am voting for him.

Considering I and everyone that I know who went marched for some concrete and important issues (funding planned parenthood, preserving reproductive choice, family leave for new parents, DREAM act, LGBTQ rights, and that’s just to name a few) - issues that are difficult to get traction on from any mainstream candidate

Bernie is too old and also has never been, is not now, and will never be a Democrat. I repeat, HE IS NOT A DEMOCRAT. Also, he is older than dirt.

I disagree about Bernie. Don’t underestimate how much Bernie has alienated key groups in the Democratic Party wing. He is very divisive, which is why he lost the first time.

EXACTLY. People need to act like age shouldn’t matter. It matters. Stop running people over 70.

Please don’t even entertain the notion of Bernie running again

“but look at what he’s done since then.”

Yeah, I have to say, Joe has done a lot for the Democratic Party, and by gum I’d love to see him rip apart Donald Trump, but this is a one-strike-and-you’re-out kind of situation, with that being the one strike.

I really, really hope not. I’m still holding out for my Harris/Duckworth ticket.