Hebephilia is a word made up by men to make them feel better about being sexually attracted to slightly older children, and it’s a major red flag to me when people come here and point out the difference as an excuse (especially if they are male)
Hebephilia is a word made up by men to make them feel better about being sexually attracted to slightly older children, and it’s a major red flag to me when people come here and point out the difference as an excuse (especially if they are male)
TL;DR version - every man has at minimum been in a public setting in which some sort of sexual harassment or assault is occurring. They just aren’t looking for it so they don’t see it.
I think the “turned a blind eye” piece is what is critical here. I know a lot of really good guys who would never assault, harass, or…
It has been really, really tiring. And when someone suggests that hey, maybe you don’t remember it, maybe you weren’t conscious of it, but it’s highly likely that you have managed to creep out a woman at one point in your life, they double down, tell you to fuck yourself, and go on and on about how they’d just NEVER.
When men say they are worried they can’t “speak to women” anymore it’s a cover for a backlash. They know perfectly well what is sexual assault and harassment - they could recognize it in a second if their daughter or sister or wife were subjected to it. They prefer to imply that women are over-reacting or just plain…
It is not my responsibility to give any men a MOTHERFUCKING wakeup call.
Groping people, like masturbating in front of them, is not “flirty”, it’s assault. Those who are worried that they “can’t speak to women” anymore without getting accused of assault, laminate this and carry this in your wallet.
I thought this was going to be a cool article about how science FINALLY gives a shit about female orgasms, and we’re now studying orgasms through dildos. Then I read the article and realized this is just another example about how companies are spying on us and everything is awful.
What I’m doing is pointing out hypocrisy. There’s not an excuse for this. It doesn’t mater if it was normalized or not. People treat Bowie like a hero because they like him. He raped children. You want to start burying people because of sexual misconduct don’t let the worse offenders get away with it just because you…
As a survivor, im immensely uncomfortable deceding something based on a limited knowledge of your experience. My opinions im sharing are about Takei.
The victim is the person who was unconscious while they were groped. Literally cant believe you asked that sincerely, in relation to this story. Wtf.
So much for Jez supporting the victims.
Yeah. So much for Jez supporting the victims.
This headline sucks, you guys.
My god, yes. I’d been a fan of Louis CK—enjoyed Lucky Louie and Louie, was familiar with his standup—and when I read the rumors I was not surprised. I thought he was talented but didn’t understand how he’d gotten this rep as a progressive, feminist ally.
And if a woman is right, she’s still wrong.
Who the hell thought that movie wasn’t inappropriate in the first place
How on earth did people think I Love You, Daddy would be a good thing to distribute in the first place.
Two good tweets I’ve read on the matter: