
The training and the videos are dumb and don’t work. As shitty as it is, for sexual harassment training to be effective, it has to hit men on an emotional and personal level. I don’t know how we do that, though, because I don’t know how to make an overgrown frat boy stop thinking of women as sexual objects whose sole

Most of these people are in high positions, movie producers, politicians, I guess a White House reporter is kind of up there. People in high positions tend to be psycho/sociopaths, and one of the key things with sociopaths is they never apologize because they believe they do nothing wrong (psychopaths learn to

“The woman involved was upset by my actions and for that I am deeply sorry.”

Alcohol addiction.

Are men just...allergic to giving good apologies?

So how long before the groper-in-chief goes on a massive masturbatory tweetfest about the “failing NYTimes” hiring sexual assaulters while still ignoring Moore?

It sounds like there probably is an alcohol problem, but it’s sort of odd to do a treatment program after five months of...AA only?...white knuckling it?...and makes me think that’s an attempt at image rehab. In any case, being an alcoholic is only part of the problem. Physics knows there are plenty of drunks who

He lived way longer than he deserved. So many good people die young and this pos lives into his 80s. Although his mom was a pos as well. Trading him for beer. I guess the acorn really doesn’t fall far from the tree.

I was thinking how strange it is, how the murder of eight people engineered by a fuck-crazy white dude was SUCH A BIG DEAL while (presently) the regular slaughter of people by random angry white dudes barely gets a blink. Manson has been an infamous legend for those 8 murders for over 40 years. I’ll bet most Americans

Well, I guess there’s one good thing to happen in 2017.

I love this show and I hate that you don’t. It’s wildly entertaining and is somehow able to navigate an actual romance, from infatuation through to maturity without being flowery or saccharine, always maintaining its sharp  edge. It’s a romance for cynics! And as a bonus, it’s also unabashedly liberal — this season,

No glove, no love... no exceptions, until a commitment is established along with bilateral STD/HIV testing.

It’s a terrible, icky behavior that needs to stop. I don’t know any other way to handle it than to train people (EVERYONE) from a young age to stop any sexual encounter if your partner asks you to allow something you are uncomfortable with.

god, you’re disgusting and so is your equivocating. you sound like a date-rapey creep. piss off now.

Maybe we shouldn’t depend on oil so much.

Fuck you you fucking sex bully. Read literally fucking anything about power dynamics in sexual assault. Spit that rapist’s logic out your mouth, fuckboy.

coercion is a thing, you should look it up. also you should avoid getting sexual with people since you can’t seem to be able to distinguish behaviours like coercion, which are objectively morally wrong.

let’s play Spot The Defensive Sex Offender In The Comments.

Lysistrata. I’m done. Resist.
