So basically, it’s what dudes imagine their wives are talking about when we fantasize about letting go of all our responsibilities for a day (or week).
So basically, it’s what dudes imagine their wives are talking about when we fantasize about letting go of all our responsibilities for a day (or week).
Yes, but technically, if they market themselves as a nonpartisan contractor (which pretty much they all do) and then they fire someone for expressing a liberal (vulgar) opinion while being publicly associated with the company, but not someone expressing a conservative (vulgar) opinion while being publicly associated…
So, she actually went to them and told them, unsolicited, that this was her in the photo. I’m not going to victim blame, especially because I think she has a legitimate case based on how her company handled an employee who expressed vulgar anti-liberal sentiments on social media while being publicly associated with…
I understand that most companies have policies that you can be fired for badly representing the company (for example, someone where I work was fired for getting in a bar fight while wearing a company polo shirt). However, unless her shirt has the company logo on it (I can’t read it) no one would have know that she…
I do wonder how many of the people who sell are just doing it to get discounts on products. This is very common for a lot of MLM and direct marketing; I think my wife may have even been an Avon or Mary Kay distributor at one point, but decided she’d rather pay a little extra than deal with the constant stream of…
This is a tale as old as time.
Ugh. I hate MLMs. The worst is when these distributor people call themselves small business owners. And “Oh, you would rather shop at a large corporation than support a small business owner trying to support her family.” YOU ARE NOT A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER. THAT IS A GIANT CORPORATION.
That’s the thing, it’s not all stay at home moms with little else where to go. I know a teacher with a great job, selling R+F. I also know a nurse selling Itworks! which is crazy.
I’ll just leave this here (no pressure!):
A family member of a coworker recently started selling it. I remember the coworker one day saying “she just got approved for her small business loan.” I was horrified, you shouldn’t need a small business loan to sell cheap leggings out of your basement.
people who knowingly participate in these schemes and try and get people on their “team” are the real criminals. i had an old friend from high school FB message a few months back me asking how i was doing. i thought it was very sweet at first but then she bombards me with “wouldnt you love to be able to work from…
Since overnight shipping is a thing that exists any company that forces you to keep a considerable inventory of items that lose value as quickly as clothing is obviously ripping you off.
To quote the great and wise Aja, “I don’t want to be the one, but I’m gonna be the one”: I’m finding it difficult to muster sympathy for the man that screamed about “his freedoms” at the TSA while being detained on his way to an antiabortion rally, who only opposed GOP ACA repeals because they weren’t cruel enough.
I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.
“I never said she was targeted for being white, I said that if she hadn’t been white and pretty most Americans wouldn’t care about her and they would not think she’s innocent.”
It was actually the cops who initially focused on Lumumba and grilled her on him while interrogating her. Supposedly because they found the wording of a text exchange between the two of them suspicious but also likely because police, whether they’re Italian or American, are racist AF. Knox immediately recanted her…
It was the cops who initially brought up Lumumba and pressured Knox about him. They literally presented her with someone to implicate, whether she went along with this deliberately or out of confusion and exhaustion is the only thing in question.
Literally no one thinks she was targeted for being white. She was slut-shamed both inside and outside of court in some truly disgusting ways. Her prosecution was incredibly misogynistic. The trope of the femme fatale manipulating poor men into doing her evil bidding is not an uncommon one.
Because someone can be a racist piece of shit and still not have committed the crime? I don’t think Amanda’s likable and I think her accusing an innocent black man is absolutely detestable, but that doesn’t make her guilty. ESPECIALLY when DNA screams otherwise.
Or - and you might want to sit down for this - Rudy Guede, who not only admitted to murdering Meredith, but whose DNA was found all over the apartment - ACTUALLY DID IT.