Sure, it’s cuz white girls can never be murderers and not because Rudy Guede’s fingerprints, bloody palm prints, and DNA were found all over Meredith’s room and body.
Sure, it’s cuz white girls can never be murderers and not because Rudy Guede’s fingerprints, bloody palm prints, and DNA were found all over Meredith’s room and body.
Or we could be done with all the people who are this awful. Who will be left, you ask?
Oh my god, please stop. Please stop now. Just shush. Your 17 paragraph explanations of how we don’t understand why he isn’t actually a misogynistic, abusive jerk are not going to work. They are condescending and pretentious.
Certainly, the stuff he wrote was odious, misogynistic and promotes rape culture. But you can find rappers and pornographers, hundreds of them, who do this stuff every day, currently, and nobody around here bats an eyelash.
The problem isn’t just the writing.
I don’t get why you keep saying he wrote misogynistic stuff in the 90s and ignoring that he was still writing misogynstic stuff in 2009. A guy who’s been profiting from misogyny for 2/3rds of his career doesn’t “redeem himself” by writing about non-gendered political stuff for a few years.
Yeah...what’s published here isn’t even the worst of what’s in the book.
Ahem, everyone knows how Meredith was murdered and who did it. She was raped and murdered by Rudy Guede. Did you miss that part?
the real standout image of the whole case had been the “abnormal” grieving behaviour displayed by Knox and Sollecito, usually with video images of Knox and Sollecito embracing, and combined with general stories and hearsay built up a picture of a manipulative couple playing the victim.
He was still publishing horrifyingly misogynistic drivel when he was 39. This isn’t some phase he went through in his twenties. Sorry that you’re struggling so much with finding out one of your faves is super problematic.
The “actual abuse of actual women” is perpetrated by males like Taibbi. I have no doubt that the events described in the book took place because, as I said in another comment, abuse of Russian women by Western males was a documented phenomenon.
Matt Taibbi is currently 47. That shit he did that you are chalking up to the foibles of youth happened in his 30s. The book, that you desperately want to retroactively believe is fiction, but clearly is not, came out when he was 40. So do your lame excuses about his behavior as a 20-something youth still hold up when…
I don’t believe for a hot fucking second that these men didn’t commit the crimes they described. The “fiction” part isn’t that they did those things, it’s that they looked cool or sounded wanna-be-clever while doing them. I’d bet my mortal fucking soul.
Wait. So it was titled a memoir and labeled as non-fiction yet they are now saying it was all satire and fiction? I find that hard to believe. It’s interesting that Taibbi and Ames are now on opposite sides of the political spectrum. I imagine it was the same back then yet their shared misogyny and sexism united them.…
Ah, “satirical.” The biggish word trotted out by frat bros and jocks when their “private” Facebook page goes unexpectedly public. These guys are obviously smarter than that, so I’m surprised to see this old chestnut, but...maybe it works? I’ve never been fooled, but that’s just me.
Right. It doesn’t feel like “satire” if it seems like the “satirist” actually feels/does the things he’s “satirizing.” And what were they “satirizing” exactly? How Russian women are raped/threatened into abortion by expat douchebags? Hilarious!
That’s the thing that got me too. They’re clearly not alone. These guys got read by people around the globe who cheered them on and lived vicariously through this. “Oh you forced a child to have sex with you? But that child was hot Russian trash. Naughty naughty, but seriously, guy give me the facts about police…
Thats... unreal. I have truly never read anything that disturbing. Shit like that makes me think “Is this the way men really think??” Which is disturbing in and of itself. Satire or not, words like that shouldn’t exist in print.
I’m sorry but I actually had to stop reading this article. I found their own gleeful descriptions of their actions to be so repulsive. Who found this type of writing palatable or interesting. Being a self absorbed asshole in a country where you hold enormous power to violate impoverished girls sexually doesn’t strike…