
True facts. We should all regularly engage in critical self-examination.

Shit, that bar is set reeeeeeeeaal low.

My rapist apologized for standing by while others said shitty stuff.

I hate that “male feminist is a wolf in sheep’s clothing” has become such a stereotype, because how do we get male allies if we can’t trust men who try to be allies. But was so hard during #MeToo to see these “confessions” from male feminists who I know to be abusive who were like, “When I was younger I

So powerful men should be able to get away with assaulting anyone they want, so long as they keep people employed?

That’s a weird as fuck take.

Ending a show starring a man outed for raping a 14 year old (who didn’t even deny the claims and deflected by coming out) seems pretty fucking reasonable to me. A lot of the allegations against Cosby, Weinstein, Polanski, and Allen are decades old too. We ignoring those as well?

A. Who cares how old this assault was.

There’s plenty of allegations regarding his general sexual harassment that have been covered over the years. The case of what is sexual assault of a minor is quite rightly however having serious repercussions (though in a perfect world the other harassment also would’ve done).

Re: Wieseltier and Landesman, they know better than to call these accusations “pathetic lies.” Wieseltier, in particular, knew there was only one apology he could possibly pen and he nailed it. But that’s what makes it all the more demoralizing for me, as a woman in the academic industry. The men who harass and demean

God, “trace amounts of narcotics” is such bullshit. They recently got one of the actors from Stranger Things coming into the country on that as well. Hell doesn’t 90% of US dollars cities supposedly have “trace amounts” of cocaine on them? Remember folks nothing is worse than microscopic amounts of narcotics.

Years ago (like about 20) I worked with a woman whose young son would stop by the office a lot. He was a sophomore or junior in high school. Anyway, he told me a really creepy story about Kevin Spacey coming on to him hardcore at some DC Clinton dinner-type event. The kid’s parents were connected somehow and rated an

Once again a case of people who worked directly with someone who turns out is a now alleged sexual child abuser along with general sexual harassment had no idea of who he really was despite it being an open secret within the industry.

I was like, only a white dude would think that victims receiving what amounts to damages for being violently attacked as a thing that privileges female victims. Patriarchy and rape culture, y’all.

Especially since it seems like he thinks that women are more privileged as victims because they’re offered money for silence/compensation. That’s fucking gross.

I’m sure the survivors he criticized don’t feel too good about being criticized by another survivor either. He doesn’t get a pass to say incendiary things like the Weinstein survivors “took a deal” and “kept their mouth shut” and got an “upside.” Did he ever consider that the Weinstein survivors are/were just as

God that clip of him trying to talk about the Weinstein stuff is awful in gaining any sort of good attention to his own claims.

Yeah I get that. Even though I try to avoid it affecting my view it’s the IndieGoGo campaign that tarnishes it for me not just because of the goal but this weird system of “rewards” for donating (which has turned into a data protection disaster) like signed albums and social media shoutouts.

Yea I agree with you on this. It seems like he’s annoyed that the Weinstein victims got a “upside” and he didn’t, and yea I get why that would be frustrating but he really needs to start naming names....

I am super uncomfortable with his assertation that there is a financial “upside” to victimization. Between that and his constant wriggling refusal to name names for vague financial reasons, I feel like it casts a lot of doubt over his intentions here, and potentially makes it even easier for his detractors to ignore