Renee L

Internet high five on Universal Basic Income! Also - love these comments about how fine and dandy capitalism has been to the world’s poor and developing countries. Like how all the nations with super valuable “unobtainium” stuff, diamonds, rubies, oil, are full of people doing the actual grunt work making a pile of

And don’t forget boys kissing each other and marching in pride parades. That was just soooo upsetting that we have oodles of working class men voting down their own economic self interest. I would like to give a shout out to the Puritans who founded this country and made Americans obsessed with sex and repression and

Ironically a lot of those factory jobs just went overseas, including to so called ‘communist’ China, where kids are again being exploited in polluting, unsafe factories. We can thank neoliberal global capitalism for that -which has unfortunately been embraced by both parties. Hence a lot of apathy from working class

Working class = plumbers, electricians, auto body workers, servers, factory workers, etc. meaning the trades, as well as other traditional blue collar jobs that don’t require a college degree.