I’m not seeing a number. You forgot to type one?
I’m not seeing a number. You forgot to type one?
How much you wanna bet that when people get their hands on it in real life, they’ll echo my sentiment?
In an “ask us anything” post awhile back, Totilo said that there honestly wasn’t enough interest from the readers nor the staff to do racing game reviews, and since there was more of both on Jalopnik, they get to do racing game reviews. And they aren’t always positive on every game with a car in it (they had some…
691 HP, going only through the rear wheels, in a rear engined chassis?
CX-75 or GTFO
95% of the time, there’s no need to own a pick-up truck. F-150, Ram, Silverado; they’re all the most over-owned types of vehicle(s) in the world right now, if not in all of human history.
Um... no, it’s not.
I got through it with my team on the second try, but only with a couple of seconds left on the clock, right as I sunsinger-ed the living hell out of the boss’s ass.
With all the pretenciousness of YA fantasy/sci-fi novel, and none of the charm of Borderlands.
Look, I’ll blame Dinklebot’s performance on some quality-terribad direction, and not the actor doing what he felt was “right” (yes, voice actors have directors too, AND THEIR JOB MATTERS).
There are those who say the Warlock’s bad because it’s OP, and doesn’t have a great support class.
Can’t believe no one’s posted this one yet
So, might be related, might not be related, but that new Forza game that’s coming out in a couple of months isn’t going to have a single Toyota in it.
No one brought the hate for the Audi R8.
God, think of all that could’ve been covered if it weren’t for Destiny.
I’ve got like a... god, 5, maybe 10 page draft of my three years with this game, sitting somewhere on kinja.
Oh look, it’s too-little-too-late-o-clock.
G... good... good news?
I really hope that between this, your name, In This Corner of the World, and even Shin Godzilla, more American theaters will be more open to screening anime outside of just one night special showings.