
Just let me have some more single player content already, yeesh.


And I thought the 2016 US election was rigged...

You FOOLS. He looks so much better without it! And he wouldn’t have to be ashamed of being called a hipster.

I was gonna say, not having Florida Georgia Line here is like having a shit sandwich without diarrhea dressing.

Okay, so... no Black Keys (which I was expecting to be here, even as big a fan as I am), but Sgt. Pepper is?

Well, he talks in that one scene to a subordinate... and I guess he says some stuff you don’t really understand directly to you...

In your games, speedrunning is simply a way to play.

Supporting characters too?!?!?!

Hang on... is... is this the first time an antagonist in Destiny has actually talked directly to the player?


Out of curiosity, thoughts on this (the current gen Ford GT)?

We should get them Jalopnik folks over here to decide which cars best fit each author on here.

They chose to believe in “Christ”, I chose to believe in karma.

Personally, I’d put “The reveal of The Last Night” in the winners section, and “When we learned how much of a dick shnozzle The Last Night’s creator is” in the losers section.

Aw man, this should’ve been in the conference!

Okay, Sony, if you wanted this bullshit to have ANY credit, then why isn’t every game that comes with online chat rated M (something I could actually get behind, considering the vitriol that’s regularly encountered when playing online)?

Now playing

Yes, but let us not forget the last gen, base GT2, which gave us the greatest gift of all: Clarkson ruining his trousers from sheer FEAR.

Why do you think Kotaku doesn’t post anything about him?