
This guy’s “apology” is such bullshit.

That’s what I mean; IT’S SO FEATURELESS.

Geez, and I thought the OG PS3 was a butt ugly looking machine...

But it’s complicated, and I don’t wannaaaaa...

If I had the funds and the right connections, I would definitely buy one of these... and then take the rotary out, and stuff the engine from a Miata NB into its place (preferably one with a turbo).

Oh, you cute adorable fools honestly believing that this will still be released someday.

This was an okay conference. Nothing terrible, nothing jaw droppping, nothing unexpected, but nothing unpleasant.

Both are true.

Other funny people to follow: Mara Wilson. Yes, THAT Mara Wilson. The only child actor who hasn’t gone crazy, and also has a sense of humor so excellent she’ll make you question what plane of existence you live on.

In my defense, I only became an RT addict after November 8th...

Naw, I can confirm is was some woman named... “Causality Dimmer”.

Halo 3 HD, Halo 3 HD, Halo 3 HD...

I partly think it’s MS getting into a dick measuring contest with Sony, but I also think they’re subtly asking the gaming masses, once and for all, “is all that matters to you people, is how powerful a black box is?”

It’s not perfect, but goddamn it’s... wonderful (c’mon, is there any other word that’s more fitting to describe this movie?).

So, instead of removing Bloodborne to make room for Nier, you instead showed Uncharted 4 the door? While also keeping The Last of Us HD?

Me: will there be a mode that lets you fight apes THAT’D TIE IN PERFECTLY WITH THE UPCOMING PLANET OF THE APES MOVIE?

The Japanese are BIG on everyone doing their part/share to make everyone else’s life easier and better.

Destiny has a beer you need to hold...

I am so proud that you posted this music video.

[sigh]... You were doing so well, too.