I’m in a union. Everything about it is terrible.
I’m in a union. Everything about it is terrible.
The Gawker hate american SJW crowd is out in force in this chat
Who gives a shit we lost a pure legend today. RIP Gene Wilder
Good for them, Fuck Tom Ley
Service your man and not Hillary and he wouldn’t be looking for strange on twitter
So is deadspin now a political section because Gawker is gone, What a terrible idea.
I kind of hate how shitty Gawker writers are now writing for Deadspin about crap that has nothing to do with sports.
What is the point of shutting Gawker down? What is the symbolism I’m missing? Because all that is happening is the same articles written by the same authors are showing up on different sites. I mean, this is a great article, but what the hell does it have to do with Deadspin? Can’t you just create a NotGawker.com and…
Good to see gawker back. Sad to see all the commenters here are Clinton shills.
How would a person even trade their blood samples, Its not like their taking blood work by themselves someone else is drawing the blood. Your not trading them like baseball cards. But great made up story to pass along.
Geez deadspin. Maybe wait to find out if it’s true before you erase the player’s name out of history.
Huh? How would this even work? They don’t piss in a group. And that’s a lot of scrilla to pass on the DL.
Why is so much non sports crap now on Deadspin, We get it Gawker failed and you needed a place for those losers but this shit is killing this site.
Ah yes, Cuban B.
Anyone accused of a crime should never work on a presidential campaign...but it’s OK if they run for president.
So The Concourse is Gawker Dot Com now? That’s all good.
Curious: Did you ask deadspin ahead of time if it was ok for you to dump your endless stream of obsessive Trump hate onto their sports website?
Crazy how quick humans are to judge someone over an article. No trial, no verdict, no jail time. Just an article. This being the norm is scary to me. Just saying.