Where does Deadspin stand on this? In support of an athlete going after an organization and reporter you guys generally loathe? Or in favor for an athlete who's privacy was violated by a media organization and now wants some revenge?
Where does Deadspin stand on this? In support of an athlete going after an organization and reporter you guys generally loathe? Or in favor for an athlete who's privacy was violated by a media organization and now wants some revenge?
Out of curiosity, who does Deadspin side with on this?
Gawkers over Ashley time to move on, Seriously your articles are boring as shit move on to another job. Thanks :)
What the hell is this? No one cares. Go away.
File this under “SECRET AS SHIT GAWKER”.
Couldn’t find another job before Gawker got it ass shutdown Ashley? LOL, don’t worry when Univision gets around to firing your hacky ass you’ll have plenty of time to.
Not a cardinals fan but these articles were funny when they started off bad now we’re close to the end of the season and the team has the second wild card spot. These articles just look stupid from a shit writer who can’t find another job while the website he works for crashes and burns.
This is stupid and a waste of time.
Is the Concourse the new Gawker?
Ummmmm, what the fuck kind of seats are those? You may as well sit in the parking lot.
Please let Tom be one of the assholes writers who is let go from this Gawker fall out. A complete fuckhead.
I wonder how many people will be fired from the Gawker networks next week. I know a number have already left to find better jobs.