Übermoose is loose in the greys

This reminds me of something that happened back in my college years. Some friends used black spray paint to put dicks on a guy’s door as a prank. He responded by painting the entire door black.  So they just painted more dicks in white...


Hell, that’s far more interesting from a design standpoint, and more meaningful.

How would you feel if Russian trolls...”

“...the steaks for Trump are enormous...”

Can’t unsee, and now I’m hungry, too.

That and they were receiving behavioral treatment, which the mother waves away as a possible reason for their improvement. Like, behavioral therapy improving behavior? Nonsense! It must be the bleach!

I noticed this trend a while back, and occasionally mention it here or there. It’s terribly ironic because one of the things right-wingers love to accuse the left of is post-modern thinking (specifically in the form of “moral relativism” - because they’re simple-minded and don’t understand the totality of what

Oh, it’s not just depressing now. It’s a thoroughly depressing movie in general (I saw it years ago).

Objectively it sounds insane, but he doesn’t actually believe that. He’s just talking shit because he’s out of the greys and can get away with it. What’s insane is people agreeing with that comment. You don’t like Bernie? Fine, whatever. You think that wanting to help people and wanting the frontrunner to help people

Biden will be like “Look, you wanna take this outside?”

Exactly. The right has much lower standards than we do.

When I saw his post yesterday, my initial reaction was “Sure, if you don’t know the definition of those words (or you’re just being a disingenuous shit-stirrer), why the fuck not?”. Rather than replying, I left it alone, hoping that other people would call him out. Checking back this morning, I note that he’s

That and even if he wasn’t his dad’s lawyers would shut that shit down in a hot second.

For the record, Kim Gordon is great.

It’s like the before and after of gastrointestinal distress: pepto pink, and then...

Or if it did, it was because he was hitting on her.

When Mayor Milford demands Harry arrest Lana for “witchcraft”. Boylan’s delivery in that scene is brilliant, and cracks me up every time. “I... I...”