Yep. If you feel like you’re “raping her”, and you don’t stop? Says a lot about you, and none of it good.
Yep. If you feel like you’re “raping her”, and you don’t stop? Says a lot about you, and none of it good.
Man, I remember when “cultural marxism” was the big bad among online cryptofascists for a while. Kinda surprised it never went mainstream, but then it’s even harder to pin down in simplistic demagogic terms.
I think we’re getting incredibly close to the “doublethink” idea from Orwell’s 1984.
One of the things you learn if you study classical conditioning long enough, is that classical (aka Pavlovian) conditioning results in emotional responses to the target stimulus. The stimulus in question doesn’t have to mean anything, per se. That’s not the point. The point is to create a powerful, unthinking response…
I did. I’m not sure why you’re taking it to sound like “the only one in existence” (which would be a really weird thing for anyone reading a liberal blog to think). It’s not “THE Holocaust Museum” - it’s the “Holocaust Memorial Museum in D.C.”. Why would anyone take that to mean it’s the only one? The one in Auschwitz…
It’s clarified right in the article: “...the Holocaust Museum in D.C....” Is there another Holocaust Museum in D.C.?
I think a lot of people had history classes like this (I’ve seen the comments often enough, anyways), where they’re so busy trying to cram in all of history that they tend to rush through the 20th century by the time 12th grade rolls around (if they even get there at all). I knew about WW2 because my grandfather was a…
My impression is the problem runs far deeper than him.
Republicans are not reasonable people.
Orrr, they’ll just redefine “trophy wife” to mean something positive. It won’t be the first time they’ve redefined words to mean what they want, and it certainly won’t be the last.
Yep. This article has so many things wrong, but this is perhaps the most salient one. Certainly the most pertinent. I have many thoughts, but I’ll save them for when I’m home from work. Mainly, though, how were we supposed to change the culture when we never had the power to do so? Why does the author think we’re so…
How can you be in congress and not understand that people making 6-figure incomes are unlikely to be getting 2k? Did he just not read the fucking bill his house just passed?
Hell, that’s far more interesting from a design standpoint, and more meaningful.
“How would you feel if Russian trolls...”
“...the steaks for Trump are enormous...”