
Blah, blah, blah, blah, man ok,

I know! Look how it ruined Robert Downey Jr and Ben Stiller! Did Downey ever make any money in movies again?

Having said all I’ve said, I’m not sure Confederate would have been good. I would like to see an anthology type what if series, where for one season it’s the Confederate concept, but for another it’s “Britain quashed the Revolution” or “Lincoln lived” or “We didn’t use the bomb” etc

You could go that way. I took it as a tossed off, “Oh yeah, we brought back slavery. Cool, huh?” which in turn should mean the writers threw it out for shock and didn’t deal at all with the logistics, consequences, the African diaspora around the world, and the lives of the people in Africa.

Just because you’re uncomfortable doesn’t mean you’re right 

So you weren’t going for petulant child?

About it? No, but it flavors it. There are references to Boston and Cincinnati being American versions of Auschwitz and Dachau. References to enslavement of the African continent.

But...but....a bunch of us like, all signed a petition and stuff. And we made like, soooooo many snarky comments. I thought these guys were in jail! 

I’m sure the people who enjoyed those shows can all meet at an Arby’s and commiserate. 

There is a throwaway line in High Castle about how the Nazis “re-enslaved the African continent”

The Shield. 

Say it after me: It’s only a TV show

Good for her. I figured she was pulling a lot of shifts at Olive Garden this week and that’s why she couldn’t elaborate

Huh... she’s still alive?

Probably has a balloon payment on a beach house coming. Don’t worry, she’ll shit talk it soon enough

I wrestle all the time with what Franken did and what his punishment should have been. And I do think Dems have to live to a higher standard

Look I’d have loved it if Jessica and DD showed up when Dr Strange, Iron Man and Spidey were there at the beginning of Infinity War. And having them return after the snap would have been great. Jessica especially fits in well with the “We are women!” Scene near the end.

Maybe she’ll find time to defend Roman Polanski some more while promoting the movie

Bring in Atwell to grope her and I’m in

Is Keri Russell available?