
Good. I’m glad we can put the rest the idiot theory that Bond is a code name and they were all the same guy.

C’mon Blue Lives Matter dweebs, do your thing.


She has every right to try. Studios have every right to pay her to try. Audiences have every right to not reward those actions and perhaps cause all involved not to try again.

If everything is an outrage, then nothing gets to be an outrage.

Are we sure she’s Romanian? I don’t know if you mentioned it enough 

You know how all the assholes say “You ruined my childhood!”

Pointless is a bad word for art reviews. So is unnecessary. The only things necessary in life are food, water, sleep, sex and S’mores blizzards. 

Thunder get: Kawhi, George

I just don’t know how you get to offended. I’ve seen women of all pigments wearing outfits that make me either cheer their confidence or question their judgement, but it never occurs to me to have a reaction beyond, “Whoa” or “Ewww” and then going on with my day.

Jon Hamm

The fuck they think was going to happen when you ask six cops to leave? Seems like the  fights that need fighting are better fought than with goofy tactics like this

Rub some dirt on it and get back out there 

At least it wasn’t Wilbon 

Trivia: Which two of those three has seen Vanna White’s naked boobies?

Still enjoyed the scene where Pepper, in her Rescue suit, grabbed Spidey and said, “I got you, kid.”

The one fucking time we don’t get police brutality... 

See ya.

Father of two daughters. I’d tell them not to send nudes for the same reason I’d tell them not to get drunk at a frat party ornot to drink a drink you didn’t see made or you walked away from.

I refuse to ride for either one of these yahoos. They both morons