Business does what’s best for business, film at 11
Business does what’s best for business, film at 11
Hostage? For expecting a contract to be fulfilled? Fuck that.
Yes, but the Pelicans suck for not giving in.
Probably fighting over a dude
Bet she sells the heel turn better. But I could buy incest vibes more from Clarke and that Quicksilver kid.
I refuse to believe Evans is done. Total denial on my part
Did everyone in New Orleans take a turn kicking Deadspin’s gerbils?
Should have gone with Bender of Fass.
Come on! Of course the viewing public wanted Dinklage to fart around on a ship for seven seasons.
Dorne sucked in the books too.
Butts are funny
Believe women! Listen to women!
This town is about an hour or so north of me. It’s a suburb of Peoria. So really, it’s the asshole of the armpit of Illinois.
The lost great. Never mentioned, but one of the best of all time
I think this is the make or break episode for Dany as Mad Queen. Either she fights valiantly and earns the North’s trust or she peaces out when she sees the dragons in danger and heads to Kings Landing
Yeah, I feel like someone like Pitt or Cruise or J Law or Denzel would have incredible stories and their agents would be armed with stun guns in case they tried to share them.
These are the actors this feature was made for. That and Timothy Dalton, which I’ve read about 8 times.
Lawsuits don’t have the same burden of proof. There is no way, unless he told someone who flips on him, that she will be able to prove something that happened five years ago when it was just the two of them and there is no physical evidence.
No, I have to be consistent. Fuck Hoskins. And Connery for his Bond hate, Duchovny for being a dick about Mulder, Nimoy for the “I am not Spock” routine and everyone else who shits on roles no one forced them to take.
Until now, I had no opinion on Hoskins and Mario. But fuck that guy too!