
"the Federal government has doled out $540 million"

Sorry - Not meant to reply to you.

"The car came through the filled?"

As opposed to... what?

At least it's not being sold to treat a medical condition. When's someone going to do something about the fact that phenylephrine is wholly ineffective as a decongestant? Or rather, that it's equally as effective as a placebo.

"Coach class" "First Class and Business Class"

Headline should read "Explained in GIFs Form." Why would that s ever be capitalized?

Are you friends with the other guy?

I'm angry that vocabulary size is hyphenated. A hyphen needs a reason.

The weird thing is that they also changed the beef a little. Just on the bottom-right.

Bit of a catch-22? It may be worth every penny, but if you have that kind of scratch to throw around, wouldn't you already be in the lofty position where individual pennies are pretty much worthless?

Maybe I just don't "get" racing, but wins by these tiny margins don't seem statistically significant.

Good for them. No one should have to pay to run on public streets.

Snowpiercer was AWFUL.

Man, no love for CRT HDTVs. Mine may not handle 1080p, but dammit if they don't look great.

The tale morphs into a scolding of their "unorthodox lifestyle" and the "free reign they give their six children"

WHO does not scream out when they see that coming straight at them?

Kidneys fail for a reason. I'm not saying that sloppy grammar will cause them to, but I'm not saying it won't, either.

"One day during one of my dialysis's..."