C’mon God. You tell Bush to start a war, but tell Russell to not bang some hot trim?
C’mon God. You tell Bush to start a war, but tell Russell to not bang some hot trim?
McGregor is MMA’s Puig. Immensely talented, brash, and throughly entertaining. Gotta love these interviews
There is a $550,000 difference between losing in the finals and quarter finals.
So who is watching this at the local Buffalo Wild Wings? And why?
Right, a back-heel, followed by a dummy, followed by a well-placed upper-netting finish. Happens all of the time in the men’s game! What nonsense. This is just more chauvinism. I’ve been watching the men’s game at the highest level for three decades, and I am thoroughly enjoying the WWC. These girls can play, esp. the…
I expected this to be an overhyped, oversold Billy Haisley post. I was wrong. That was amazing to watch.
This is an interesting point, but I think it’s possible Marc Stein and other Jewish sportswriters are being a bit oversensitive here. That article was totally over the top and out of character for Stein. It was an emotional argument not a logical one.
There’s the Jewish angle here, from Stein’s particular perspective. I’ve seen it a few other places on the Interwebs since this Lebron/Blatt drama first became a thing late last year, with David Roth being but one Jewish guy who’s also mentioned it. Basically, there’s a certain feeling among some Jewish sportswriters…
I will speak for all those who are shocked that this show is still on the air and that people still watch it by saying: whoooooooooooo cares? Don’t have a cow, man. (“Don’t have a cow, man.” goddamn that show has never been funny once.)
Wait a second this show is still on? I gave up on this show back in the late 90’s.
He’s been doing the show for 26 fucking years, it’s time to bloody stop. The show has been UNFUNNY longer than it’s been funny, and it should have been canceled long, long ago. Good for you, Mr. Shearer.
Someone else harmed its brand as well ...
Reminds me of an old Kobe game in which he shoots terribly, fucks up a few plays down the stretch, and then hits a game winner and everyone forgets how poorly he shot for the entire game. At least he didn't jut out his lower jaw after he made it.
SNL hasn’t changed in all these years - A bit starts out funny and then just trails off till no one is interested....
Does SNL not have an Asian member to play Pacquiao?
Boxing & SNL are both ancient relics of the past.