Because many articles like this become a lot less informative after some asshole hits YouTube with a DMCA notice (valid or not) and YT takes the video down.
Because many articles like this become a lot less informative after some asshole hits YouTube with a DMCA notice (valid or not) and YT takes the video down.
Yeah, but did you see what all that Powerade did to his hairline?
Except that it is. Biological sex is in fact binary for essentially all mammals and most animals, this is an established fact of genetic science. I fully empathise with the idea that gender and sexuality both are not, but citing a fluff piece with a social agenda doesn’t change the fact of that particular situation.
Binary gender does exist in biology however.
I vaguely remembered this one and had to find it. Thank you for reminding me about the commercials.
You are a racist.
Well am Hispanic and I have friends and family members who are homosexual, so no I dont have a problem with a gay character existing, is how or why they exist is my problem. So stop your kneejerk reactions and calling people names before you know what you are talking about.
Sure, or we can have David Blatt be president and get a million daily hot takes on "What's wrong with America". LeBron is obviously Dick Cheney in this scenario.
If we made Pop president, he'd get the unemployment down to .01% Even the oldest americans would be performing far beyond expectations at greeting people at supermarkets or sitting on a chair in a lobby. and the 1%-ers would get plenty of rest for 2/3 of the year, but we'd ride their asses to the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP…
You kind of pimped the underage girl by using her as leverage.
Well, Tobias Beecher ain't getting any phone calls from his dead kids. Thanks, Schillinger.
Under the League's understanding of what constitutes alcohol and marijuana abuse, I've been a raging junky unfit for work since I was seventeen years old.
It's cool to both hate the NFL for its ridiculous rules and believe that Josh Gordon is unforgivably stupid, right?
Adnan did it.
Seriously. 14 dead hookers in a shipping container and no one wants the case. One Ripken and every cop in a 50 mile radius is on the scene.
At least he was a REAL fan, unlike those who left.
And he STILL didn't go back into the game? That's some fair-weather fan commitment right there.
If he would have listened to the guy instead of running to the police he would have seen the comeback. Guy was trying to do him a favor if you ask me.
Drew Brees: Real. Comfortable. Jeans.