
Huuuuuuuuuu*(10^100)ge stretch indeed.

It just goes to show how emotionally fragile he is. The FACT that he will lose the popular vote by more than 2 million votes really gets beneath his skin, because he wants to pretend that the entire country adores him. All he is doing is telegraphing his weakness. I think we should all take every opportunity to

I hate being this asshole BUT: autism is not an illness. Technically it’s considered a neurological ‘disorder’. The neural pathways in those with autism are wired differently than the rest of us. Calling it an illness suggests that there’s a cure.

Late season harvest.

Absolutely. That’s how Avengers: Infinity War should end--with Stan Lee making some comment like, “Whew, I nearly had to break my oath not to participate but only to observe,” and then transforming into Uatu.

Wow. As someone who became a penciller for DC because of falling in love with the New Mutants in 1984 and who stopped reading the book in despair after the Weezie/Bret Blevins era began, only to be even more violated and horrified by the idiocy of Cable/Liefeld etc, I can only say: I disagree.

Whenever Kitty was off planet- (rather frequently) he was. Also, it would be a shame for him to never show up.

Psst: They’re also doing an X- Force movie. It was supposed to be next year but I think got pushed back after Deadpool made giant truckloads of money. But it will have Deadpool, Cable and Domino.

Even in the ‘90s, anime conventions were a totally different beast than they are today. Since they were relatively obscure, you only heard of them through friends and specialty shops. People drove from half a continent away to attend something with maybe 200 attendees. It was an underground scene, still sort of

I think you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who would take the first film over Values.

Agree. But I do think it’s plenty weird that Maggie wouldn’t want to hold onto the watch that was so meaningful to her dad and husband — if only so she would have something tangible to give her child who will know little about either of them.

Just off the top of my head, I can recall Judas Priest, Dead Kennedys, and 2 Live Crew all going to trial over artistic expressions of varied sorts. JP’s trial because folks thought they were Satanic & they were trying to get kids to commit suicide, DK was cuz they’re very political & said stuff about specific people,

He’s our national pumpkin now, so everything pumpkin related comes back to him

We call that Freedom Foam.

The fact that you don’t seem to know what this is is breaking my heart.

How very presidential of him. That orange-crusted shitgibbon who will never be my president.

See, the difference is I’m not questioning Trump’s legitimacy as president. He won it fair and square in our shitshow of an election process. I don’t literally believe he’s not the president like the Obama haters did. But he does not represent anything I stand for or any of the values that actually make America great.