Huuuuuuuuuu*(10^100)ge stretch indeed.
Huuuuuuuuuu*(10^100)ge stretch indeed.
It just goes to show how emotionally fragile he is. The FACT that he will lose the popular vote by more than 2 million votes really gets beneath his skin, because he wants to pretend that the entire country adores him. All he is doing is telegraphing his weakness. I think we should all take every opportunity to…
I hate being this asshole BUT: autism is not an illness. Technically it’s considered a neurological ‘disorder’. The neural pathways in those with autism are wired differently than the rest of us. Calling it an illness suggests that there’s a cure.
Even in the ‘90s, anime conventions were a totally different beast than they are today. Since they were relatively obscure, you only heard of them through friends and specialty shops. People drove from half a continent away to attend something with maybe 200 attendees. It was an underground scene, still sort of…
We call that Freedom Foam.
How very presidential of him. That orange-crusted shitgibbon who will never be my president.
See, the difference is I’m not questioning Trump’s legitimacy as president. He won it fair and square in our shitshow of an election process. I don’t literally believe he’s not the president like the Obama haters did. But he does not represent anything I stand for or any of the values that actually make America great.…
God, I love Kate Bush.
Don’t give a pass to your racist relations and friends.
You’re one of the good ones. My partner who is not jewish went on amazon while I bawled and bought himself a star necklace to wear so I wouldn’t feel alone. We live somewhere where I know only one other jewish person. Thank you. We need more men like you and we all should be eager to accept your support.
I’m from the 80s. Can someone restore me plz
If only men’s fashion would realize that some of us men have inseams less than 30".
I really wanted to be a Wiccan when I was a teenager. I still have the books I bought. But ultimately I lack the drive to truly practice any religion.
The Quakers too, don’t forget about the Quakers.
You forgot MC Backhoe, MC Ulrich, Meg Ryan, Adam Warlock, Richard Branson, Uncle Cracker, MC Mixalot, MC Slimjim, Farmville, MC Angry@Birds...I think that’s all of them. OH and Suregetyou Mixedamoto.
MC Lars, MC Chris, Mega Ran, Adam Warrock, Richie Branson, YT Cracker, MC Frontalot, Beefy, Storyville... Maybe it’s not a huge scene, but those are jus the ones I remember now. It’s not exactly insignificant either.
First... was he joking? There wasn’t really any creative wit in his comment. Felt more like he blurted out what he really felt, and then covered for it.
You forgot Wrangler the service dog. He can stay.