
I had no strong opinion of him until he suggested to Andi that she could be a housewife if she moved to Iowa. I just don't think he's right for the show which is probably the very reason they picked him. A farmers only dating site would be a more successful venture for him.

I think he'll keep a "modern woman" around until the home town dates at least. Possibly till the end cuz he's the kind of guy who thinks he can change a woman. Oh, this could be good after all . . .

How can I forget? He tried to cover by expanding on that but I think he said exactly what he's looking for. I have a feeling that there are more of those kind of moments in the new season. Sigh.

I think I read somewhere that they are actually going to make them do it. Less international travel and more of the woman lying about how much they like outdoorsy farm stuff, lol.

That name still makes me giggle :) Totally agree. Frankly almost anyone from last season of The Bachlorette would have been better than lame-o Chris.

If I watch this next season it will be a hate watch from the start. There is nothing interesting about Chris Soules. Nothing.

I'm sad that ABC is apparently going to make it difficult for me to hate watch The Bachelor.

Bachelor in Paradise was crazy town. Would watch again!

I don't know that she thought she was being the cool girl but I think you're right about the dodging her own fears part.

Vicky got plenty of dudes. She just didn't keep them around.

"handicap people can be and usually are dicks normally because they hate normal people for being normal"

Yeah, at least you have all the lolz :) haha

I'm annoyed at Luke right now even though I've never met him, it wasn't our date that he totally had a psychotic break over and it's 15 years too late. That is some grade A bullshit right there.

I'm not holding my breath. I'm not a Catholic (or religious at all) so I don't really have much investment in whether or not the RCC changes. If it does change, it has A LOT of bad history to overcome and reparations to make first.

Yep. If only that could happen. Change moves at a glacial pace sometimes.

I agree with all your points but I wanted to add my two cents. I can understand why many Catholics (and some non-Catholics) are excited about Pope Francis. He does seem to be trying to set a different tone. I think the reason why he's getting a lot of support is because people want to see the RCC become a more

Damn you Burt! You sucked me over to the main page with Hiddles eyes! You are a crafty wench!

INFJ here and while I am not opposed to a Cabernet, I'm a Pinot Noir kind of a gal.

I also loved the interviews with Flea. Especially when he tears up at the end :)

If I was that clerk I'd be smiling internally because I would find comfort in the fact that everyone in that store thinks that lady is a fucking nutbar! Yes, I did work retail for many years.