
Yes. A thousand times, yes!

I don't have posters on my walls anymore but at one time I did have a huge wall sized movie poster of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" in my apartment. What does that say about me I wonder?

I know you already said "all John Hughes movies" but I really feel that "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" deserves to be mentioned separately :)

As JD said to Turk, "There's nothing wrong with "crymaxing" (sorry, I've been watching a lot of Scrubs reruns lately!)

Ugh. Another lawmaker drafting a law that they know is unconstitutional so when it gets slapped down they can claim that they're being persecuted for their beliefs by the government!

That was AWESOME! I love Sigur Ros and this video is one of the millions of reasons why. Thanks for sharing!

Solidarity pooper, lol!

Probably not. Just hide her from your News Feed for a while until the news dies down.

I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm my love for Paul Rudd. That is all.

That kid is phenomenal! He's like the Latino Whitney Houston. Can't wait to see the places his talent takes him!

While it's definitely important to call out the charities who aren't really making the most of the donations they receive, I think it's equally important to talk about the charities that do get results and actually help people. I think people want to help out but there are too many so called charities muddying the


Everyone who wore these on BSG gets a pass because "Hey, it's space! Fashion is just so crazy up there!"

That's awesome!

Ok. I keep sharing this story because in the end, even though I am the butt of this story, it's pretty funny! (at least to me). When I was a young and very innocent freshman in college, my friends and I went out for dessert. I got an ice cream sundae with had a maraschino cherry smack on top of it. I hate maraschino

Haha. I'm gonna have to steal that Girls line the next time I get the courage to date/get rejected again.

Totally understandable! Anger is a great emotion as long as you don't stay angry.

Been there, done that! I know you're feeling all ragey about this now but I hope in the very near future you can laugh and say "fuck that shit!" and move on. Just keep remembering that you weren't that into him in the first place.

Say what you need to in order to start processing this great loss. I'm listening :)

I wash mine 2-3 times a week. I have really thick hair which I think helps on the days I don't wash my hair and just put it in a ponytail. When I do wash it, I shampoo it twice. I'm a nerd and actually googled how to properly wash thick hair and one of the suggestions (in addition to washing it twice) was to make sure