I'm thrilled with this and hope it takes off. I would be more than happy to still be supporting my friend/family member without having to go to the blessed event. Plus, I'd finally get to wear something comfortable to a wedding i.e. my pajamas!
I'm thrilled with this and hope it takes off. I would be more than happy to still be supporting my friend/family member without having to go to the blessed event. Plus, I'd finally get to wear something comfortable to a wedding i.e. my pajamas!
Target bras represent! I bought one a couple weeks ago and it is the most comfortable bra I've ever had.
If I met Sophia Grace in person I would be forced to punt her across the room after 5 minutes but I still think she and Rosie are the cutest whenever they are on Ellen :)
There are so many avenues to go down with this subject so I'm going to keep it simple. The question "What makes a Man" has the same answer to the question "What makes a Woman". Answer: Someone who recognizes that the words they say and the things they do affect other people and takes responsibility for those…
Flames! Shooting out of my head! Ugh. http://thinkprogress.org/media/2013/06/…
The best part about going to the movies alone is getting to see that guilty pleasure/piece of shit movie that you've been wanting to see with no witnesses to make fun of you for it. Plus, you still have plausible deniability that you ever saw it in the first place!
I think this guy is creating a lot of unnecessary anxiety for himself. As long as he is respectful in his actual words and actions I don't see the problem. I think we all have better things to do (the guy blogger included) than to get upset over somebody's thoughts. But that's just this gal's opinion :)
Ok, I love cats but this video creeps me the fuck out!
I thought I was the only one who caught the AD reference! lol
I was going ok until the last 40 seconds *sniff*
What a cute little asshole!
Naw, you're not missing out. It's just the whole "The govt demo'd bldg 7 and caused 9/11" stuff that's been around since it happened. Google it or get on YouTube where there are MANY videos to support these "facts" (unless your question was meant to be sarcastic in which case never mind).
I missed that one. That's hilarious!
Yeah, I'm from California too. Honestly, I'm really not sure why I read the article at all.
Truth! I feel like what this article is really about is East Coast vs. West Coast and how the East Coast is just better.
One detail I've read in other articles about this story is that the older girl was 17 when they started dating and that the younger girl's parents waited until the older girl turned 18 to prosecute. Not looking to start something, just throwing it out there :)
God, I love Holly Hunter!
(sobbing hysterically) I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!
That. Was. Awesome!
Same here except I only put on mascara and sometimes blush so I don't look like the pasty ghost face that I am.