
Yesha Callahan:

I asked for clarification here after you noted information that did not match news reports on the car Jean was riding in.

Interesting. The report said the cars were similar. What was he driving? And how dissimilar were the cars?

Has anyone asked the painter the intent of the art? Maybe it was meant to do the same thing the open casket did: vividly illustrate a grave injustice.

In addition to being in the right area wearing a similar bandanna, wasn’t he also driving a car similar to the one reported in the robbery?

Thanks for that. It would help to get the definitive answer on how much he actually inherited. (I doubt that the loans are a factor as that’s how real estate is done. Then again, Venture Capital serves the purpose of loans.)

Please explain your calculations. I find that a $10 Million investment gaining 10% per year would be less than $1.2 Billion after 50 years.

Michael: Please provide the proper link to the data showing that white drop-outs earn more than black college grads. The WaPo article you linked says no such thing. The piece mentions home ownership and wealth (calling net worth “new worth”), but does not mention earnings.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

Despite the many faults of a “two party” system, unaffiliated candidates would likely lead to more chaos. There were some two dozen candidates at the start of the latest POTUS race, and that was essentially just two parties, with primaries to whittle the field. In a free-for-all, money would be more of a factor in who

Thanks for the explanation-- and a good illustration of a trap many of us fall into. Sometimes it’s a good idea to forget which “team” you’re supposed to back and just put your support behind the most worthy participants. If more people did that, we might have a lot less friction.

As a lifelong Independent, I haven’t faced that issue. But even if I had picked a party, once the primaries were done, there would be no limits on who I could vote for.

Serious question: Why would you need to change parties to vote for whoever you wanted to vote for?

If you look carefully (a larger image on Clarke’s page helps here) there are only 13 stripes shown, the top and bottom both being red. That white “stripe” at the bottom is part of the tank turret, not the flag.

Thanks for the short-sighted and self-serving definition of “tangible”. You must know that it means more than that. (Feel free to “touch” Google). That’s the fundamental problem with your initial premise.

Just for the record, Robin Thicke was only the white part of that lawsuit:

“After nominees have been determined, final voting ballots are sent to NARAS voting members, who may then vote in the general fields and in no more than nine of the 30 fields. Members are encouraged, but not required, to vote only in their fields of expertise.


Yet Obama revered Lincoln and emulated him in his campaigns.

My reading of this is that Goldwater’s vote was based on a Constitutional issue rather than civil rights -- the same way many issues are decided. Do you have any tangible evidence of his “racism”?