
I’d be interested in seeing facts showing Goldwater to be a racist. As I understand it, he was a pioneer at integrating his business and did good work with the NAACP.

Nicely stated: cherry picking single data points...painting a whole group...unjustified broad brush. Pretty much sums up this article.


Thanks. I actually do read quite a bit. Sadly, you read too much into my comment. I was NOT referring to Trump disagreeing with Obama. I’m referring to countless people disagreeing with Obama’s policies who were called “RACIST”. The point is that you can disagree with any person of any color and that disagreement has

Interesting choice of videos: If you squint just a bit, you can see Trump “mocking” the mic, the flag, a pile of folders, and the juxtaposed image of Maxine Waters.

Much of what he said is valid, but part of it is still based on a falsehood. Disagreeing with Barack Obama doesn’t make you a racist. Mocking someone who happens to have a handicap doesn’t mean you’re mocking the handicap. Trump (who I did not vote for) has made similar gestures regarding several fully able people, as


The Electoral College actually worked as intended. If you just remove the votes of NYC proper and Los Angeles County, Trump won the national popular vote. He also won something like five times as many counties as Clinton.

If you re-read the pertinent paragraph, I think you’ll see that he was referring to Trump, not Obama. (That brings up other questions on objective standards, but that’s for another conversation.)

Maybe he’d like to be part of potential solutions rather than potential problems.

Just curious (and sincere -- and not out of the loop): Is there evidence of Trump actually doing so (grabbing women...), or just stating that famous people could do so (in which case he might have described another former president)?

That’s unfortunate. I have a female relative who voted for Trump, and all indications are that her marriage is just about perfect.

You might check his resume (and net worth). Wikipedia shows Keith with 20 #1 singles to 4 for Holliday. (And Keith left the Democratic Party in 2008 to become an Indpendent.)