
“White privilege is real.” This is a narrative that is popular with many individuals that identify as a group. Once it is mentioned and explained, it becomes real as a concept. It is not objective, though. Without our perspective, people are interacting with each other in uncountable, unique ways; outside our

Someone told me I had beautiful lips one day at Whole Foods. How can she live with herself?

No, they are not, as demonstrated by the people here who have not heard of one.

Or, one could hope God speaks more grammatically correct!

All things being equal, and we want all things to be equal, yeah? Although, nothing is ever equal. It’s a pickle

Other people may have been offended, but she wasn’t being offensive.

Invading, wrecking, and stealing is never cool. Not wearing socks is ok. The color of my skin has nothing to do with what any group has done. I am an individual, not a group, as are you, and anyone else you can think of.

“The consequences for white ignorance aren’t the same as for black ignorance,” I said. “We have a legal system that has repeatedly said white fear, either out of ignorance of racism, is enough justification to employ lethal force, whether you’re a private citizen or a cop. It’s not the same for us.”

Hey black athlete’s mom, some folks want to remind you... not everyone feels the need to lock themselves within an illusory group that adds to the overall isolation. Some folks realize they are part of the larger picture; the one that realizes the boundaries you put up creates the problem you seem unaware you’re

You’re answering the question you put to me, so it appears rhetorical. I cannot argue with an already made up mind.

Clark Griswold, this article’s talkin’ to you.

Ask whatever you want, but include the question about using nuclear weapons. It amazes me this line of questioning. My guess is your parents drilled that into you as was drilled into them.

The Rape of Nanking is unacceptable. What say ye now?

It is unacceptable. What say ye now?

You require an argument against dropping a nuke on a city?

We do not create our desires – that which choice emerges from. Choice, as race, is illusory. We are witness to our actions, but do not control them. That we feel as if we are in control is an interesting thing. For example, if you were to isolate any part of my body at a small enough scale, say, the diameter of a

No need to scratch your head. Race is one way in which we identify ourselves, and only goes as far as our subjective viewpoint. We are all different, with our lowest common denominator being that of human. From what I’ve seen, people who identify as black tend to think about their identity considerably more than other

I don’t think you are correct. Regardless; the current situation is not working in the US, and the current situation is working in those countries where wealth is more evenly distributed. Interesting, huh.

Spreading the wealth also worked out well for post WWII America, and is currently working out for other nations (you know the ones) :)

Please reveal your less weird ideal world.