
Punched once, not twice. Once, not twice.

Jonathan Chiat is a hero among free speech advocates and those concerned with its suppression.

She said she thought he had a bar in his hand and that he was trying to jimmy the lock. Her words are in the video, so there’s no doubt what she want’s you to think. Anything other than that is speculation. What she would have done is irrelevant because she did not do anything other than what she did. Other

She said she thought he was trying to jimmy the car open because she saw a bar in his hand. She said that, so we have to take her word for it. Her word is the interface to her consciousness. We cannot know what she’s thinking until she tells us. That’s the way it works. For example, you’re asking questions that

Perhaps she would have; it is unknown.

I see, we follow your way of doing things to ensure your happiness and comfort.

Meanwhile, you’re doing what, exactly, to help relieve suffering in this world? Labeling people as gross, I suspect.

No, the person does not deserve punishment for existing and interacting in a world that is completely unpredictable. You want the person to suffer, but it isn’t compulsory.

All trailers are teasers

I am curious how this incident relates to race relations in this country. This is a unique, one-of-a-kind event. Given that, no horror needed

You mean race. Ethnicity means something, just not what you think.

Still, a bit of sprinkle them up and out for the effort, am I wrong?

There is nothing strange about cyborgs having a race, yes, because as with science fiction, race is made up. It’s the compartmentalizing of humans. We’re all 100% different from each other. Dividing us into groups is promoting segregation. Try the unity route; using the lowest common denominator; that of the human

We’re not sure where this film will be set (?), so you may mean race. If Scarlett was raised in Japan, her ethnicity would be Japanese, regardless of how her facial features played in your imagination.

I’ll be at Roppongi Hills cinema with a cylinder cardboard container of popcorn watching this movie when it is released here in Tokyo; you?

Have you ever been here? If so, do tell us of your experience.

Or, figuratively?

I take what I can get, as a gray.

You used the term incorrectly; not again, though! My work is done here.

Why literally? Could Nora Ephron have written metaphorically, or anecdotally for the same magazine?