The New York Giants became the San Francisco Giants in 1957, and all that remains of the stadium they used to play…
The New York Giants became the San Francisco Giants in 1957, and all that remains of the stadium they used to play…
I’d also imagine that “Big Baller Brand” is something that people who could afford 400 dollar sneakers would find tacky and unappealing
Me saying ‘make your free throws’ is not a take.
Pink, the problem with your strategy change is that it would punish teams that are intentionally fouling as a last gasp effort to get back into a game. Say the final 30 seconds, they’re down five, they foul in hopes of a missed free throw followed by an 3 point attempt, etc.
Was this written before or after the “I thought this job would be easier” quote?
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate how stupid you have to be to think a company owned by Disney is “forcing liberalism” on you.
this is called “playing the ‘skins flute”
Or Roger Ailes. Or Bill O’Reilly. Or Bill Cosby.
Put a symbol of hate on your car and people will judge you accordingly. I didn’t attack you. I also didn’t engage all that screed because it seemed to boil down to “not all Southerners are racist” and it didn’t appear that I was needed for the discussion.
What I see here is some wacko mother completely and utterly overreacting and the crew being generally kind. Then what is quite obviously a Trump voter thinking he’s fucking John McClane making a goddamn issue of something that was clearly being handled till he had to go make shit worse.
I don’t trust commando bros who escalate a situation that is clearly calming down before they get involved.
Fuck Ivanka! She is just. as. bad. as. her. father.
I want to get inside Ellie from Brooklyn’s head. She’s got some hot existential takes - “the basis of our lives is our beliefs” and “People don’t live their lives on an ideological wavelength” - and decides, on September 12th, to call into Mike and the Mad Dog to share them.
Aaron Hernandez?
Sometimes internet commenters try too hard. This would be one of those times.
I like how you swiftly brush aside the multiple murders and other unknown crimes thing before moving on to the generic mea culpa of society failing Aaron Hernandez. Aaron Hernandez failed Aaron Hernandez. He failed as a human being, as a father, as a member of society. The world is a better place without him.
Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?
Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.
there aren’t many teams that have rowdy home arenas/stadiums when the team sucks. in fact, no team has arenas/stadiums that are as rowdy when the team sucks as when the team is good. so using that to knock seattle is kinda pointless because it applies to literally every other city too.